Mail Drop

Agree. Turn it off. Awful feature.


well, I didn’t realised threading was so hated! My life would totally crumble without it tbh

It’s one of those things isn’t it… People get used to a certain process. I like to see the emails listed individually in the order in which they arrive. Other people like the conversational aspect of threads.

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bringing the thread back on topic (sorry pEp) for stealing your thunder

I can see the advantage to a MailDrop - and certainly looking around SharePoint at those who use it seems logical.
one place, once a week to see 15 items which otherwise would be emails.

I only need open the items which are interesting or relevant to me (so saves me receiving emails i just delete/forward on) and means I can keep my inbox relevant to what concerns me directly rather than general “spam” from the Wing…

you can :slight_smile:

I’ve had too many heart attacks where it made it look like I’d sent ranting emails back up the chain rather than just distributing to the squadron staff… so it had to go.

I also find it makes searching impossible.

I’m one to never delete anything, I have lovely folders and archives so everything has a logical place and order… so having individual emails is much easier to manage in how i keep my mailboxes.

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That’s an interesting comment which suggests that someone is doing things different there…
We’ve had mail drops on and off a few times and they’ve always been simply a single word document with the content of every email from HQ that week pasted into it, along with anything submitted within the wing. A horrible format.

Except if you are the person who does the forwarding on you still have to read it all and instead of just forwarding on the bit that the person needs to have to forward them the whole page of drivel.

It actually spreads drivel further down the chain as the OC/Adj can’t filter out the crap.

I still don’t get why you are forwarding it to anyone? Direct staff to it, set up an alert on the generic email account that sends a weekly summary and you’re golden.

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I’m trying to work out what system could be in use which means one only needs to “open” the items of relevance… And in that case how it is any different to receiving the individual emails; other than the fact that you have to go looking for it and that it all appears at the same time, once a week, instead of ‘as and when’ directly and conveniently to your inbox.

I could be missing something.

On most Squadrons only 1 person checks the generic account if you are lucky and even less than that regularly go on Sharepoint. So what you effectively had is a notices system screaming into the wind.


On every Sqn I’ve been on (6 in 10 years) the General account has been checked by everyone who doesn’t have one of the 3 role-based accts

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As an Adj I would shift things into specific folders so that staff only had to look through their folder and at the latest few items which might have dropped into the main inbox.

Even then I was starting every night with the usual “Check your email…”
To be honest I can’t see that there’d be anything different for better or worse for them if I had to start every evening with “Check the mail drop…”

I spend half my time trying to get information to staff on 30 squadrons and the number who when you actually speak to them either still don’t have access to Bader or who just don’t check it is huge.

But if the Adj is having to do that what the point of the General Account? You might as well send everything to the Adj and then forward the email to the person who needs it.

Trying to get peoples Competency checks done for the AT register sending the information out by the maildrop I can 100% confirm that no one reads it. I am going to end up having to email individual staff or my qualified list will be down to just me!

I agree. The purpose of the account then becomes little more than an ability for them to send their own email - which is still important - but not the way it should work.
It was however the only way that I seemed to be able to get people to actually read the damned things! Even then it was hit and miss…

“I didn’t know about [x,y,z]!!!???”
“It’s in your email folder…”

I’ve had similar experiences. :smiley:

or, according to a friend, they’re using that as a convenient excuse for not doing stuff they know they should do :wink:

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@daws1159 this!!

we complain about the “admin burden” on the CFAV but appears you’re generating work for the sake of it

why not direct people to it?

and if you have to send email, why not just one, rather example below?

single email out to the Staff distribution sent by the Adj

OC - you need to check out the insurance documentation >insert link<

Sqn Shooting officer - there are training dates - see the several items in the MailDrop

Sqn Flying officer - we’ve been allocated flying slots - >insert link<

anyone else see the list of items >insert here<


indeed. of all the units i have been on there has been a “custodian” who will take the lead but i have been at least one of three users who “regularly” logged into the general account.

i have experienced this before too…seemed a bit controlling imo, as i only ever saw the inbox or my folder of interest, i lost any “background” chatter unless i purposely looked for it (ie in other ppls folders)

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Just mark everyone as not current due to no response/contact via email then send back out to OCs.

Pretty sure people will read that email and respond. :japanese_ogre:


this is what my Wing do tbh