Logging in to SMS

Me again… Sorry, I’m not normally a spamalot

I was requested to take over the training office role.

Today I found that I have to accept the role on bader, which I now have

The first thing I want to do is to log on to SMS so I can complete an audit of where each cadet is in their classification training

However, how do I access SMS?

How do I know what login details to use? I believe there is a training officer account but how do I know what that is?

I also believe the password was set by the last training officer who was since left the organisation, so any ideas how to reset it?

When you were allocated the training officer role the password is (normally) reset so I would talk to the IT bod.

You shouldn’t really be abandoned just to get on with it. Things like SMs and Training Portal is normally better with someone showing you it.

Are you able to corner your OC or other staff member to help? Or ask a local Sqns training officer see if they are willing to come down and spend some time with you?


Yes so we’re in bit of a halfway-house at the moment between SMS and Units.
You’ve done the “new” process so far for Units by being appointed to the role and accepting it within Volunteer Portal. THis however won’t give you access to the training officer account (training.XXXX)

You/Your OC now need to do the old process of asking your wing Bader Point of Contact, the “IT bod”, (bader.WING) to assign you to the role as well. They should assign you to the training officer account, and set you a temporary password and provide you with guidance to set your own password with which you’ll be able to log in to SMS.