Wondering what others have their Lord Lt cadets wearing exactly whether it be No.1/No.2 ,cap/beret,belt? etc.
1358 says
Full No 1 when on duty
2nd brassard in No 2.
Sadly thats it, no cap in No 2, nothing in 3
where yous lucky have stock of No.1 for them or do you get them to purchase used set?
Always a good idea to ask your local RAF station if they have any part-warn kit they’re willing to part with for a year?
When we (CCF) had one I took them to stores at Halton who were most helpful with no. 1s. Had to pay for a bit of tailoring but they fitted 95% already
Are LLC no longer scaled for them and able to get them from station tailor?
Nope, normally can beg and borrow
But its been reinforced full no2 is sufficient for a LLC and No1s arent necessairly required.
yeah but i suppose the band of the RAF don’t need Full dress when performing
whack them in No 3, That’ll do
The difference is they are scaled for it. Cadets arent.
<100 counties
2 LLC per county
~ 1/3 chance of an air cadet filling each post, that’s 66 per year
Ignoring CCF (~1/4) which many have their own stock,leaves us with about 50 cadets per year, who could do with some part worn kit
Dropping LLC down to No 2 makes us stand out for the wrong reasons, Sea cadets wear iconic Naval No1s, Army cadets wear recognisable No2s, Air cadets?
School uniform adjacent
Its not been dropped though, its just saying No 1s are hard to source that are atleast in servicable and fit correctly and if you cant, just wear No2 its acceptable.
Riiigghht Okay
Jus that made me think that they were going to drop No 1 as the SD for LLC
Not that i know of.
All i know is No1s are becoming harder to get. Even the RAF have to resort to loan sources for graduation parades, which are returned after fall out.
“Congratulaions AS2 Bloggs! now get your pants off, I need them for the next intake”
This reminds me of when I was offered ill-fitting No. 2s as an ACF instructor, with no time to get them tailored (they were also not the current pattern at the time).
I decided to wear my barrack dress, which fitted and was well looked after, instead.
This is the exact right thing to do!
Not far off it.
There have been occasions where for pass out photos the same jacket has been used across everyone.
I know they do that in the first few weeks of phase 1 so mum has a nice photo for the mantle piece, but when they’re beyond passout it’s a bit of a farce