Little Anne Maintenance - First Aid


I’m looking to buy replacement lungs for use with our Little Anne’s for Heartstart training.

I’ve found two potential options online; could anyone advise on the two, and why one is so much more expensive?


My basic assumption is that both are the same and compatible with Little Anne, but the ‘Airways Complete’ has additional valves… Is this correct?

If so is it easy to connect the original valve to a replacement lung, for safety is it better to replace the valve with it anyway?


Have you contacted them in the bottom right corner? I’m sure they are the best people to ask…

And find out which Anne you have and check the key features a scroll or 2 down on the page.

If these are for Squadron use your Wing First Aid Officer should provide them free of charge

Well… I asked my Wing FA Officer and they said they didn’t have the capacity currently and recommended buying lungs at squadron level for now so that we can carry on training!

To prevent stirring up trouble, our Civ Comm is happy to use our funds on what can be classed as a maintenance cost for our existing training equipment. It’s just discerning whether these valves need to be replaced after each use like the lungs, to justify an extra £124 spend…


Oh no… there are different functional models of Little Anne ?! (excluding aesthetic variances and baby Annes)

Would you be a kind (not) Sir and run down these differences?

These are the ones provided by HQAC

They purchase straight from St John Ambulance

@gill Thank you! Looks like the Complete Airways is the one.

Those replenishing these themselves, how long does a 24 pack last?

It depends on how much training you are doing. Bin the lungs after each “course” and fit new before the next one.

I’m using a box of 92 about every 3 months but I am supplying a Wing with 31 squadrons

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Thank you both, we’ll buy the 24 pack and note down how long it takes to use.

We possess 4x Little Annes so it might be quicker than I suspect, I’m keen to replace all 4 of Anne’s lungs as soon as we receive replacements (don’t know how long they’ve been in use for)


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How are wings paying for them?

Money can be exchanged for goods and services!

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