Leading class notebook

A sensible middle approach will be needed such as supervised access on the Sqn until they make it available for the cadets.

The middle ground for now* is us as staff need to download the content required and give it to the cadets.

The fact that cadets donā€™t have access to any of the training materials was raised directly to the TG and Bader people on Teams, and the response was as above. Staff to access and provide, and that having the material on Learn is not currently within scope of the project.

*(Itā€™s not really for now, this appears to be the perm solutionā€¦)

A training organisation with a learning management system called ā€œLearnā€, isnā€™t planning on making training accessible so those who need it can learn.

I should be surprisedā€¦


This feels like it should be a memeā€¦ iā€™m feeling Anakin and Padme

You mean like this?



Nevermind, I have found a copy of it online from a squadron. Does anyone need a copy?

out of curiosity would that Sqn be 967? I know theyā€™re a bit willy nilly with which documents get posted

Snitches get stitches

Hey if youā€™re 967 could you get all the new Classification stuff on the websiteā€¦.

please :sob:

Iā€™m not sadly

I found this on the web https://www.1475.org/app/download/25450168/Leading+Cadet+Notebook+Electronic+Version.pdf