Leadership task alternatives for a Covid Age

Well thats my one and only genius idea in 2020, ive peaked.

You do have to adapt a lot of the things they do to make it cadet friendly. But i normally find the last task of the show the best ones to use.

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They have a book which i have and we have used too

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I think I mentioned it in another topic as well but they did an entertaining YouTube series of ‘Home Tasks’

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I can see they want to minimise contact with bits of kit or proximity. But the MTA kits need both! Can we lobby for other control measures such as non contact tasks?

MTA is plastic though, so easily sterilised in the main

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So it was a private contractor that did this and I can’t get access to it.

Essentially the objective was to work out when a Danish King invaded England, but the “story” was split into several sentences and each participant got one or two sentences each and could not show other people their sentences, only read them out.

Some of them were useless, some looked useless but with context were important and some were obviously useful. It was more of a “leaderless” exercise as no one was officially appointed, but you easily could do.

The idea is to get people sharing information and working together, and realising that however irrelevant something is in isolation it might feed into the bigger picture and be useful.

For example, one of the sentences was “seven longships arrived on the 10th March, but the 3 carrying weapons took another 4 days to get there” or “King Harald’s father, Lot, was born in 987 AD and lived for 42 years”.

Other sentences say “King Harald attacked 7 years after the death of his father” or “the attack was delayed until the weapons ships arrived”.

It is down to the team to work out what is important and not, within the time limit, and ensure everyone gets their voice heard.

Sorry I can’t give you it to run with, but it shouldn’t be difficult to run it with that.

Time to dig out my dissertation on 1066 and try to recreate this! I love the idea though


Here try this; it’s a decision making exercise that can be lead, but it encourages discussion and challenge. It was widely used at the Airmen’s Command Squadron, at every promotion course level. It can be used virtually or in a well spaced indoor environment.