Lack of Wedgwood Shirts - where to claim costs of private purchase

Double 2 do a decent shirt but a bit pricey .

Do they, though? Everywhere seems to be out of stock of the long sleeved ones, and they no longer appear on their own website.

Haven’t seen any double two long sleeved shirts in at least 6 months, been trying to buy some for a while now.

I can confirm that the quality of the shirt is good, but certainly the ones Cadet Direct sell are a different “pattern” (cut/style) than the issued shirt…

How often do you actually need a long sleeved shirt?
I wear shoirt sleeved all the time as I find them more comfortable.

Probably 50% of the time. At the moment 100% as i cant bear the feel of the jumper on my arms wearing a short sleeved under the jumper.

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When you’re on the squadron don’t bother with a jumper.

You obviously have heating that doesnt take two hours to heat up and/or try to kill you with some type of carbon monoxide poisoning.

Trust me, jumpers are not an optional item at this time of year.


What have you got open flame gas/paraffin heaters?
Get the CWC to buy some leccy heaters or tell Wing the sqn is on stand down until RFCA get their finger out.

RIP Squadron


Yeah it wont reopen


If the cadets are in jumpers, we’re in jumpers. We’re not better than them.

You’re not saying that it’s mandatory for your staff to wear jerseys -OVER THEIR WEDGWOOD SHIRT- if the cadets are wearing them are you?

Edited for increased relevance for pEp… :wink:


Stop ruining my thread

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