L98A2 Teaching Aide Memoirs (TAMs) following new release of PAM 5C

Hi All,

Has anyone managed to get around to updating their WI/SAAI TAMs following the issue of the new version of PAM 5C that they would be willing to share?

Many thanks :slight_smile:

Haven’t even had a minute to think about it yet :confused:

given the TAM is an aide memoir rather than a note to read i should jog the memory of what to cover rather than how

ie lesson 1


the classroom layout
knowing the drills, i shoudlnt need a memory jog of how to use the weapon…

for the function test i wouldnt be including in my Aide memoire this can be done in any position.

the changes to the PAM to me at least dont justify a complete re-write of my lessons.

or are you looking for TAMs as you have none at all and so asking to see any you’d rather see some that are up to date and accurate?

Maybe not a complete re-write, but a lot of things have moved between lessons, so the relevant bits will need updating.

I would most likely include a note about the tap forward on the NSP, just till I get out of muscle memory on it.

[quote=“xab” post=10993]Hi All,

Has anyone managed to get around to updating their WI/SAAI TAMs following the issue of the new version of PAM 5C that they would be willing to share?

Many thanks :)[/quote]

Your Aide Memoir should be written for you by yourself as a prompt for yourself, you shouldn’t steal others. This is explained on the SAAI course, during which I wrote mine for all 10 lessons as they were. My TAM may include info that you don’t need reminding on, but miss stuff off that you would.

With weapon training take no shortcuts, and write your own TAMs!!

EDIT - You will probably only need to edit your TAMs anyway.

Oh do behave themajor… nothing wrong at all with a bit of plagiarism, just then edit it to make it your own.

WIs and SAAIs have been doing this since you were an itch to your dad…

Perry, that gives me an idea. I’ll ask him tonight! :worthy: :mrgreen:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

[quote=“Perry Mason” post=11046]Oh do behave themajor… nothing wrong at all with a bit of plagiarism, just then edit it to make it your own.

WIs and SAAIs have been doing this since you were an itch to your dad…[/quote]

Thank you Perry, I quite agree.

Given that 90% of the WI©/SAAIs (including SATT and CTT members) that I know in my neck of the woods have all used my original L98A2 TAMs in word format which I spent many an hour writing when Pam 5C was originally released along with the A2, I don’t think it is too much of a cheek to ask if anyone is to willing to share their updated versions.

If no one has had time yet, I am happy to share mine once I have had time to sit down and work through to update them - given that the whole point of this community is to share resources and good practice (and ignore counter productive little jobsworths who think they know best).

Perry Mason likes this bit! :mrgreen:

[quote=“Perry Mason” post=11046]Oh do behave themajor… nothing wrong at all with a bit of plagiarism, just then edit it to make it your own.

WIs and SAAIs have been doing this since you were an itch to your dad…[/quote]

Looking at others TAMs and then adapting fine, but just taking others, aren’t going to help you. I found writing my own TAMs reinforced the Pam in my mind.

There is enough duplication of effort without having to have numerous instructions re-write what should be fairly standard TAMs.

Yes, when starting out as an instructor, it can be useful to write out your own notes in order to highlight “your” key points.

However, with changes within the lessons effected by external influences, then “standard” TAMs should be available, for individuals to adapt as necessary.

Same for RAMs!

Mike, I quite agree!

Sorry to drap up an old thread, but is anyone willing to share their TAMs for L98 please?

If so please PM me for email address etc.

Thanks in advance.

Shadow, me your email and I’ll send mine over, but in camp so might be mid week next week

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