L98A2 image with white background

This is going to be a very specific question…

Does anyone have an image of the L98A2 with a white background in a decent resolution? And to be clear, yes, I can use Google Image search and, yes, I know the difference between an L98A2 and an L85A2…so it can’t be anything with a change lever in the photo etc.

Any help appreciated.

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Yep that’s an L85A2 with a change lever. And it is an Airsoft one :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

They need to change the Rifle name on that page then :roll_eyes:

They probably haven’t noticed.

However, if I use that image, our lot will notice in droves and I will spend my life answering email complaints about using a photo of a rifle we don’t use on an official platform.


I suggest until you find what you are looking for, use bold capital letters saying it’s similar and will be changed soon :smiley:

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We can do better than that, it’s just a pain in the backside!

H&K will have some,
If you are really stuck I can try to get one signed out and shoot it (photographically)

You might be able to take a screengrab of the one on my poster, and drop it into Google Images and do one of their ‘related images’ search: https://aircadet101.weebly.com/uploads/9/9/1/5/99157934/rafac_rifles.pdf

If I can remember where I found it, I’ll let you know!


I was about to stay, give me a couple of days and I’ll pop one on a bedsheet and take a picture!

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