It's Not What It Used To Be (Lost Activities)

No, but would like to be :slight_smile:

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That’s a shame…
I don’t have internet at my house at the mo or I would send you the email of the FS TDF…
Believe it’s under their control.

Are you Q’d on a local-ish training area then?

I can use most “local” areas :slightly_smiling_face:


Would you be willing to run a night with my rabble if possible?

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Flying in microlights has gone, but I think this was more than 7 years ago?

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I’d completely forgotten about those M Wings. Never saw one in the wild.

I saw one set on my contingent as a cadet. Pretty sure it was self funded solo though as Daddy owned several microlights (and flew him to school by helicopter every day).

Did said school have a helipad? Cos he couldn’t of landed it on the road on in the school? Also how far away does your school need to be to have to fly there and not drive

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You would land on the school fields just not on the 1st XI cricket pitch.


Landed on the gliding club airfield that was next to the school. He only lived a 20 minute drive away but the family had more money than sense

Presumbly a private school if you’re going to fly to school. If it wasn’t for H&S he could let you borrow some of his fleet to do some cadet flights in.

It took me years to get to a point where I could carry out a WHT.

I first attended the Basic Coaching course , which used to award qcWHT. That got rescinded. Then I attend short range RCO course and qcWHT got rescinded from that too! So I signed up for the first 2-weekend Skill at Arms Instructor (CF) course ran at Lyneham. Attended the first weekend and the SATT/CTT argued about course content/delivery all weekend so they binned off the second weekend. Then had to wait 6-12 months to do the next one.

SAAI(CF) is now the only route to being authorised to assess WHTs, and you need to be L98A2 trained to do it even if you only want to run air rifle.

Singing “PROPER” cadence songs…!


In the wastelands of antartica…

Yogi Bear


Thanks! That’s now living rent free in my head again!!!


Come on chaps… do try harder…

When I was a cadet… male AND female cadets (AND often staff!) would enthusiastically sing the following

Yogi Bear
The Woodpecker’s Hole
The Engineer Song
The Mayor of Bayswater
Beastiallity’s Best
Ivan Skavinsky Skavar
The German Officers Crossed the Line
B4lls to All the Officers

When o started being involved with cadet activities we’d had a couple of half hearted songs - so I went to start singing The Enginner Song… and within moment got a tap on the shoulder from a San Ldr who was quick to point out “we don’t sing that one anymore…”

“Oh, what about The Mayor of Bayswater…”

“How does it go?”

“The Mayor of Bayswater
Has such a pretty daughter
who’s hairs on her…”. and was then interrupted and firmly told “no - not that one either!”

That pattern went on for the next 6 intros…


Where the yanks have never been?

Blood on the Risers :joy:

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If you’ve ever been to Great Dorset Steam Fair check out a Dr Busker who plays a lot of these songs plus a few others. Videos are on you tube

Thought you could still get away with “Coming round the mountain” & “Lilly the Pink”.

I do hope the songs are recorded down somewhere so they aren’t lost from memory.