It's Not What It Used To Be (Lost Activities)

Something similar…

Not sure how ‘legal’ it was…

Myself and a few older cadets did a village clearing scenario on a DCCT. Full motion video of clearing a village of OpFor, targeta would fall when hit… If you get my meaning.

It was pretty cool at the time, it was like playing time crisis in real life.

On reflection, absolutely no way you’d get away with that now…


We’re finding it harder to use local Obstacle courses (ie: Pirbright) owing to this obstacle course instructor course (?) that need to current and seem to be impossible to get on.


Need an ACF contact, but even they are bottom of the food chain as its an army course

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The ACF CTTs run regular dedicated courses for OCS for ACF/CCF staff over the whole country and we can attend on a top up basis which is a problem as we are not on Westminster so we have no way of bidding other than by email/phone to the CTT which are often ignored, or become a painful process, in our experience. I have regularly raised this issue over the years with Wg and Rg AT Officers and indeed Gp Pass and 3 (and counting) Commandants.

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I once spent the best part of a day doing DCCT. All the scenarios, and the target stuff. It was a seriously fun day. We did a clearing one similar to what you said that even had helicopters and Jeeps that appeared and blew up when you shot them enough! Full auto and unlimited magazines of 30 rounds! :sweat_smile:

There were also video scenarios that were recorded using actors. I’m definitely sure we weren’t meant to be doing those as we were shooting at a recording of people :grimacing:

Some of them were very obviously aimed at training armed police or similar security. One of them was a video walking through an airport when a fight breaks out, and escalates to someone pulling a knife out.

The DCCT operator had some good stories of when the regulars train, they have the padre in there with them, as it can get pretty deep when you’ve accidentally shot a bystander on the video.


There’s someone in Sussex with a good connection to get this course going. They’ve ran ATC only courses for us down here :slightly_smiling_face:

As an AT Officer I would argue that it isn’t AT and that it more falls within the FC remit.

Assault courses are sports surely?

Done in uniform on DTE

According to ACTO 10 it comes under AT.


Gosh, say thats not true, i keep on telling stories to cadets of when i went paragliding!

Cracking week!

I can’t think that their is an ACATI for it? Unless I’m mistaken.

I don’t think there is one, no. The only real reference to it that I know of are within ACTO 10 and ACP 300.

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So are lots of things, not sure that’s a qualifier to make it FC.

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Uses a Military Qual rather than an NGB one too.

Certainly doesn’t seem to be AT considering all of the other AT activities and their format etc

It’s a a military skill, run on military property with a military qualification in uniform, it might not be strictly Fieldcraft but it makes far more sense to be in that box than any other.

We’ve had one cadet do it since I did, but they went a good four years ago now.

I don’t disagree that it doesn’t fall exactly under sport but that’s where it sits at the moment in the sign off box. I don’t really care where it falls just that courses are so difficult to get!

I’m Q’ld


One activity/qual that immediately springs to mind as a useful but has been lost over time is QCWHT - but i fear that was more than 7 years ago…


Are you Q’d on the ropes at our “local station”?