Israel and Gaza 2023

That’s what bothers me.
And it’s not as if Iran doesn’t have means of responding in kind. Though, I’ve no idea what, if any, Israeli Nuclear facilities exist, aside from Civilian ones.

My question is, and I suspect a question for a number of people would be also, is whether Israel would now consider IRGC facilities within Iran a valid target.

Because if they do, then we are about one step away from an all out shooting war in the Middle East.

Also, a addendum: 180 weapons approx, with some intercepted by US Forces. No mention of UK Armed Forces thus far.

(Courtesy of BBC)

I didn’t read that as intercepted by US Forces, I read that as intercepted by the IAF with help from US AFCC, so likely just intel help.

I’ve now seen a number of videos of missiles striking ground, so looks like loads made it though. This will escalate for sure. Even if they all got shot down it would still be an escalation, but seeing multiple missiles hitting within seconds of each other makes me think it’ll properly escalate. I think the IRGC facilities are fair game now as far as Israel is concerned.

I really hope more talks can calm it down, but somewhat doubt it.

You may well be right, maybe I’m naive to think they were in any position to do anything about it.

I don’t think talks will do anything at this point, credible (depending on whether you consider Visegrad, who is sourcing via Israeli news outlets, as credible) is reporting something to the tune of the IDF vowing to strike in return, and BBC is reporting Iran going “we’re going to strike again, and harder, if Israel strikes us”

more so if there’s casualties of substantial nature.

I don’t think any have been confirmed as a result of missile impacts (though, it appears at least 6 people have died in a knife/gun attack in Tel Aviv, though it’s not clear whether it’s related) but need I say more if it becomes clear large numbers of Israelis have been injured or killed.

So thinking about this we currently have Israel vs Iran, including hezbollah & Hamas.

Where do the other countries out there line up? It’s not as if Iran is particularly popular.

Iran has always needed hezbollah over hamas so with the decapitation strike by Israelites will focus their efforts into Lebanon rather than Gaza.

Egypt has no interest in supporting hamas & Gaza so will sit it out in that side.

Syria has not recovered from its civil war so is unlikely to mobilise.

Jordan is more sympathetic to the west so again is unlikely to intervene.

Saudis Arabia is a proud country but hostile to Iran - it was the recognition treaty between Saudi & Israel that prompted the October 7th attacks.

So political I think the crisis will mainly be used to distract nato countries or drive a wedge to distract away from Russia & the Ukraine situation.


Uh oh. So much for they can’t do anything tonight.


Reports of US Navy using their missiles assisting Iron Dome. US Navy fired dozens of interceptors at Iranian missiles


The Pentagon said on Tuesday that two US Navy destroyers fired about a dozen interceptors against Iranian missiles aimed at Israel.

Maj-Gen Patrick Ryder, a Pentagon spokesperson, told reporters that no other US military assets were used to shoot down the missiles, which were all fired from inside Iran.’

Michael Dewer, defence analyst stated as they are ballistic missiles rather than Tomahawk type cruise missiles, that being so missile tracking and targeting is far more predictable and a decision being made if it lands in an open uninhabited area rather than expending weapons to destroy them.

I suspect that the targeteers are busily uploading the data required and unless the missile launchers are mobile, their existence will be short-lived. The IDASF have an air launched ballistic missile capability which they used the last time they had to hit Iran, and Iran has not got an equivalent system to Iron dome.

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Well the situation must be pretty bad.

Google have turned off live monitoring of how busy the Dominos is next to the Pentagon…

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Seen some proof to the contrary of this now. Albeit it’s video and not a confirmed news thing.

r/combatfootage is full of videos of the missiles hitting, and I would be amazed if there are not many killed. Especially given how many people were clearly ignoring the air raid sirens, as there’s footage from about 30 different angles. All people staying out to film rather than trying to hide somewhere safe.

Also seen footage from someone on a commercial flight to Dubai where they could see the missiles out the window. That’s pretty scary to me!


Agreed, though I can’t see anyone jumping to Israel’s aid (not openly at least, though it wouldn’t be out of the realms of possibility for a RSAF Sentry to just be orbiting the Gulf providing some form of Intelligence gathering platform.)

I don’t know what Hezbollah is capable of doing, but I would imagine aforementioned decapitation strike will have thrown them off balance… and whether they can mount any “effective” action against Israel is up for debate.

I would privately, sadly, imagine that a ballistic missile, intercepted or not, would probably cause a loss of life if shot down over population centres, which given the footage we saw about 6pm UK time, is definitely the case. Although, thus far, the media has reported none. Fingers crossed good air raid shelter drills has kept everyone safe.

Looks like the vast majority of civil traffic is, if possible, being diverted south of Israel. Either way, I rather suspect that was alarming or surprising (your choice out of the two!) - on a slightly different note, FR24 tracked an RAF Shadow R.1 out of Akrotiri doing a figure of 8 some distance west of Israel. Make of that what you might.

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The did last time Israel struck Iran.

There are 6 12Squadron Typhoons overnighting in Malta.


I transitted through Dubai last week, definitely gave me the heeby-jeeby’s watching that one.

The guy who filmed it posted it on Reddit, said that they watched it go out through the window and then saw them coming in on CNN on their screens. Surreal stuff.

From a statement by Israeli sources earlier today, it seems some of the Iranian missiles did indeed hit military bases in Israel.

Changes the perspective of the attempt from a “throw it and see what sticks” attack to one with definitive target lists, accurate targeting systems and the ability to break through Israeli defences.

Israel have historically proven they can take on overwhelming odds and come out victorious, but it would appear that Iran & allies have upped their game too since then.

You can throw it and see what sticks with some degree of accuracy. Iran must know where Israel’s bases are and if you Chuck 150 missiles at anyone you will still get some leak through.


So long as the UK doesn’t get dragged into this, I don’t care what happens in that poor benighted region of the world. There’s nothing we can do about it anyway: Netanyahu told us to keep our noses out of it, the UK’s armed forces are incapable of carrying out major offensive operations, and there is no public or political will to go to war. We might as well enjoy the show while it lasts (forever and a day). :crazy_face:

oddly BBC Radio1’s Newsbeat was reporting the UK assisting shooting down some of the missiles but i saw no mention of this on the TV coverage.

looking on line though i see this

There was support for Israel from allies including Britain, France, Japan and Australia - with UK Defence Secretary John Healey issuing a statement saying the armed forces “had played their part in attempts to prevent further escalation in the Middle East”.
source: Iran launches more than 180 ballistic missiles at Israel - BBC News

so i guess to a degree the UK has been “dragged into it” in some form of “peace keeping role” to avoid casualties

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I’m with the Human League regarding this: :musical_score::notes:…and who will have won/when the soldiers have gone/from the Lebanon :notes:

In the second verse of which Phil Oakey defines the concept of ‘Mission Creep’ well enough that he should have advised our politicians and military leaders in the years to come after 1982. Peacekeeping attempts usually turn into war pretty quickly over there. :roll_eyes:

It’s a great song though: from the days when songs about refugee camp massacres, terrorism and nuclear war were rarely out of the music charts, or Top of the Pops. :nerd_face: