Israel and Gaza 2023

Yeesh, it’s getting a bit too real very quickly.

I suspect that this was always going to happen one day.

If you’re following live like I am, there’s a live stream here:

Cam 4 (Now cam 1) currently shows something in the sky.

BBC also showing something in the sky live.

Looks like Iron Dome is starting to do it’s thing.

US anti-ballistic missile systems. I’m just on Sky.

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Footage from inside the Iranian planning meeting.

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RAF jets have been deployed to intercept any airborne attacks in the Middle East, the UK’s defence ministry has said.

The MoD’s statement comes after sources confirmed to Sky News that RAF jets had been involved in the defence of Israel this evening.

It said its forces will “intercept any airborne attacks within range of our existing missions, as required”.

“In response to increased Iranian threats and the growing risk of escalation in the Middle East, the UK government has been working with partners across the region to encourage de-escalation and prevent further attacks,” it added.

The French as also involved.

Two members of ARRSE are posting live from Israel.

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Looks as if there maybe an emergency reinforcement of op Shader.

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The asymmetric cost is astounding.

This is why our new laser defence weapon is so crucial.

As drone warfare clearly is the new front, we cant afford to expend multi million dollar ordinance each time.

If we can get laser defence to work, we are laughing.


Over 300 weapons launched. 99% shot down. Seemingly no casualties as far as I’ve seen so far?

There’s the discussions to have around the financial cost of this, but those stats are impressive. The Israeli defence infrastructure is clearly strong.

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I informed you thusly…

It’s almost like it’s a piece of performative art, Iran being seen to do something, knowing from the outset it was fruitless.


It is, but it’s also about nuance.

The US shot down a substantial proportion - a third? - of the incoming.

Jordan and KSA shot down a good number. Jordan, and possibly KSA both shared their Air Picture with Israel and allowed Israeli jets to operate in their airspace to shoot down incoming. That will have had a huge impact on the fact that only a tiny proportion of the incoming actually got to Israeli airspace, let alone to their targets.

The idea that this is a display of raw Israeli power, that Israel doesn’t need it’s relationships with the US and it’s neighbours who are at least as wary of the Iranians as the Israelis are, would very much be the wrong end of the stick.


Which is a positive, because it means Israel is more likely to listen to the US and other allies when they say not to respond.

Inevitably, Israel will likely still respond, but they may attack Iranian assets outside of Iran rather than attacking Iranian territory itself.

The former will keep the proxy war (that’s been in place since the removal of the Shah) in place and mean no real net change to circumstances; whereas if the latter happens that becomes a considerable concern.

I’ll admit though, with everything going on, I’m starting to feel that moving to the Americas is the right move :joy:

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One Bedu child VSI.

Which is something the Trump administration worked towards with the Abraham Accords, couldn’t see this happening 10 years ago.

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Just heard on the news; a 7 year old girl with shrapnel wounds, injured on an IDF base.

I’m not sure that will hold true, Iran has crossed a big red line by attacking from within its own territory and I can’t see Israel letting that go. Now the advantage of low/no casualties is that Israel can choose to be a big more subtle about how it reacts and might consider what it’s neighbours and allies think.

Last night demonstrated that when the chips are down the other Muslim countries prefer Israel to Iran, not entirely a suprise but really demonstrated in full. Israel need to harness that co-operation not throw it away.


Slightly disagree here.

It showed that “the enemy of my enemy is my enemy” is still true. The split last night, in terms of Muslim countries, was between Sunni & Shia - each sect vying for influence across the region. Jordan & KSA are Sunni-led, Iran is Shia-led, and the 2 sects are not exactly fans of one-another.

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And Syria is a third sect of Alawhite muslims.

Confirmation that the RAF did shoot down a number of drones.

Indeed, I wouldn’t be stunned if Iran still thought that they might choose Muslims over Jews, whereas that’s turned out (as I would’ve expected) to not be the case.