Is the RAFAC in a death spiral?

More importantly with the recent elections to 1* rank who is left to take it and even would they want it?

You keep saying that, it’s a moo point, we haven’t been in line for anyone decent since it became an FTRS post.

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Soon we’ll just be a Corps. As there’s not much in the way of Air or Training.

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Not even sure about that - a Corps either has a size (40k?) and we’re plummeting through that, or has a function - and, well…


After the end of the Cold War, I think 1 (Br.) Corps just had 1 & 3 (UK) Armd Divs: so closer to 20,000 than 40.000.

As far as I’m aware, the definition is just two or more divisions.

Then again, if the RAF Regt can have FP wings with only one field sqn, we’d probably have a go at calling a single division with some extra HQ elements a corps on the same grounds.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Comdt RAFAC leaving & replacement

Has there been a formal announcement of the entitlement/allowance for VA in FY2024-25? i.e. something confirming the number of days allocated per CFAV, and whether it will be paid at substantive or acting paid rank?

From what I heard formal announcement in May, with new figures in force from 01 June :man_facepalming:t2:

No chance for anyone to get their head around anything, revisit their activities, etc. Oh, and don’t forget CACEs will be reviewed :roll_eyes:

Hmm. I may need to make a decision on whether I’m prepared to take part in activities before May. Will probably have to do so based on the current ‘proposals’.

Just worked out I will have done 20ish days by 1st June so they should all be under the old system right :slight_smile:

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Historically such roles were seen by some in the various ivory towers as opportunities to top up retirees’ service pensions, an example being my father. Whilst he was an RAF Police Counter-Intelligence operator he worked quite closely with MI5 on various occasions. On retiring from the RAF he was invited to apply for a full-time position with MI5, went through the process and they offered him a job, when he read the salary he basically said to them that he thought they must have made a mistake. They replied that it wasn’t a mistake, after all he was just topping up his RAF Pension, wasn’t he? He explained that he now had a mortgage to pay, three kids in school with me potentially going to university within a couple of years. They did not revise their offer and Dad went into the commercial security industry.

Not unique - Police firearms liaison officer positions are advertised with a similar expectation - get an about to retire Police officer at a cheap price, topping up the pension. £28K for 37 hrs / week, that’s a flat rate of £14.44 / hr. Similar advert from 4 yrs ago was only £21.3K - full-time.

We’ve just recruited three, imagine my surprise when it was revealed the three successful candidates were recently retired officers.

Does HQAC stand for Highly Qualified At Cancellations


Off topic - one of my shooting friends was looking at applying a little while ago - got told no chance, as he knew too much & might be biased…

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“But in order to do this, the organisation desperately needs more volunteers to help run its programmes and to help keep up with the growing demand.”

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For context, they introduced a new junior section, Squirrels, after lock down. So the numbers likely reflect that.

Also when I was helping with Scouts parents would put their kids down on the list very young (pre school wasn’t uncommon) and with more than one group.

Good to see they are growing though.


When I was chairing a group we were told we couldn’t have waiting lists and had to expand to meet demand for places, or refer to another group with vacancies.

I’ll always let them know there is others but waiting lists are normal. I won’t take more than 12 on an intake because our MoI cadets run the intakes and anymore than 12 it’s not fair on their one.

Which does mean we end up with waiting lists (we do 2 intakes a year - sometimes we have small ones, but some are very large September already has 9 on the list, 3 are from April)

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