Instant polish

To get really shiny shoes, you need to start with half decent shoes (I recommend eBay and genuine issue shoes - the slightly cheaper non-issue ones have toe caps that inside of 6 months become soft and flexible, destroying any mirror finish). You then apply thin layers of polish and elbow grease. Period.

The other products are snake oil that may (or may not) give a quick and easy short-lived result, but nothing permanent. I’ve seen polish burnt off or scraped back to bare leather so often it’s not funny.

If you think there is a shortcut, then I am currently talking to a Nigerian Prince about a large pile of money he needs to move and we could do with some help…

What about water?

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At the risk of sounding like monty python:

Yes, obviously the water.

What about cotton wool balls?

Yes then too.

But apart from the good shoes, the polish, the elbow grease, the water, the cotton wool balls, everything else is snake oil.


Time and a movie in the background?

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I like to watch Zulu while I bull.

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From a general film perspective I prefer Zulu Dawn.

How very dare you.

Instant shines can die a slow and painful death. None match the great level of a good work about with your normal polishing kit and a few hours of hard work!

It’s about the effort and self-discipline you carry.

After this post I tried to use one on some junk shoe, as an experiment.

I pressed down too hard and it leaked everywhere.

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It’s not one of these foam things, it’s a weird chemical


People use that for their Ammo boots

I dont :wink: elbow grease kiwi black and water

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Never heard of it

It works ok, obviously not a good solution but yknow

I know a Flt. Sgt. that swears by it - but other people warn me to stay away from it. Personally, comparing mine and his shoes I find I have a better shine, although it takes time. And it’s weirdly satisfying watching shoes go from questionable to half decent…