Initiative style activities

Does anyone have any good ideas or resources about initiative style activities.

These could be things such as communication tasks or team building tasks. Ideally with the need for limited equipment.

A basic idea would be cadets using drill commands to guide a blindfolded to cadet through a maze

But gone are the days where we used to set up a spider web and get cadets to pass each other through it

But it is still possible (and allowed) with a few adaptions - they need to be passed through feet first for example, mix in equipment and you can then do only equipment can be passed through above head height etc

It really does depend what route you want to take - I’m sure if you searched on here or on sharepoint will have a lot available. Or look around Sqns social media’s

Task Master team tasks are very popular, offline coding can be challenging and lots of resources available on line, you get loads and loads of resources for cheap of free from TPT and just adapt it to be military, debates (proper to the Competition rules) are great for team building - training, researching and competing,

Literally do this every week in our recruits’ programme. Why ‘gone are the days’?

I mean, we have a robust risk assessment, properly constructed equipment, crash mats, etc.


We run it regularly, but just make sure we have safeguards in place to minimise risk of injury or “wandering hands”