Initiative exercises

Does anyone have any initiative exercises which some of our NCO’S could run? Indoors or outdoors would be great, if it is written in a smeac even better :slight_smile:

Hate to be the one being a dick, but LMGTFY - Let Me Google That For You :wink:

I have already looked at all of those… :smile: was just wondering if anyone has come up with some of their own…

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I put a lot on ACC Drive a while ago.

The blue badge leadership tasks are a tidied up version the blue badge leadership syllabus. The practical leadership activities are more of a challenge, are mostly outdoor based, but may need extra equipment.

All are presented in a consistent format so are easy to brief cadets! The benefit of the blue badge tasks is if a cadet successfully leads two activities then they are eligible for a leadership badge.



Can’t have any of that! Don’t let the officers hear you talking about that initiative stuff…

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Thank you very much :smile:

I’ve been running a mini exercise for around 4 cadets at a time in order to develop leadership skills recently.

Basically, the 1st part involves sweeping a deserted enemy position where I’ve left items such as an old laptop, mobile phone, foreign uniform, maps, lengths of wood, rope etc.

Then the 2nd is to improvise some lengths of wood, rope & a length of pipe to make a mortar. I provide a range card which explains that the targets need a mortar tube angle of 30 deg & 45 deg - the cadets have to work out how to make the angles.

3rd is to clear a mine area using lengths of rope and a dustbin lid (the detector)

and 4th is to retrieve a “contaminated” piece of equipment which they can’t touch and once lifted of the ground will explode if it touches the ground.

I’m planning to develop it into a larger exercise so that more cadets can take part at the same time.

I can only see the Blue Badges ones - do you have the practical tasks as well?

New ACC Drive link here for the blue leadership tasks:*Leadership

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