Indoor A310 by Martin Muller in Leipzig

Just stunning.

Watch it - you will be amazed. Seems to have no stalling speed…

[video width=425 height=344 type=vimeo]30327269[/video]

And this one’s very different…writing the RAs for it could’ve been quite a challenge…

Martin Müller und Stephanie Schwan im “Varieté am Bodensee 2012” in Dornbirn/Österreich
[video width=425 height=344 type=vimeo]54932747[/video]


Is it inflatable in places? Looks like it

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That’s what I thought…maybe a solid cockpit area, but semi-rigid in parts? There’s an under-fuselage shot which looks as if it’s inflated…that certainly would help explain why it’s so sloooww, yet it won’t stall.


Maybe helium weighted just so it is light enough with the lift generated by flow flight from the wings

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