Incoming Region Changes - ASTRA

Why isnt there an actual IBN or acto with this DETAILED.

Not just random text on a random wings page.

All just examples of the utter gash, we have to put up with at Sqn level.

Hqac needs to grip its poo.

The same reason we’re finding out about these ASTRA changes via a random Sharepoint page rather than through proper channels.


Not to derail the thread further - and perhaps a separate thread should be made, but having been on the “Train the Trainer” course for the new syllabus back in June, we were told the syllabus still needed approving by 2(&6?) FTS.

Not heard anything since.

This is not true.

Could you please provide a source, by PM if you don’t want to name publicly?

I have to say it’s disappointing if you haven’t had it via CoC email.

Nope. Nothing.

Nothing here

I thought the change was that you could do the synthetic element on unit with a flight simulator rather than having to use the PTS but that you still needed a flight


It’s that.

Bringing us back towards the topic:

As much as I agree with everything else you’ve said above, I don’t see cohabitation as a bad thing.

Less buildings, in theory, means more money to maintain the buildings RFCA have.

By cohabitating, we should be able to achieve a higher maintenance standard* without closing units.

How many ATC and ACF units are located next to eachother at TA Reserve Centres? How many are located within 10 minutes walk? (I know of at least 4, and I’m not particularly well travelled)

Aside from deconflicting on parade nights it’d make almost no difference to the unit to share a building, but would double* the amount of money available to maintain it?

* yes, I know, it’s theory. The money would probably disappear instead. But it shouldn’t.

You clearly don’t cohabit with a Rifles ACF unit.


This is fair. We don’t.

So how come the latest COVID letter was sent out to everyone in a ‘oner’, so everyone received at the same time, yet this one is left for the CoC to action :man_shrugging:t2:

As yet, still nothing received except via here and Instagram :roll_eyes: This is probably one of the biggest upheavals across RAFAC since 1999 when we were last restructured.

Another example of poor, nah bad, comms of important information to everyone in RAFAC.

We thought Auntie Dawn was bad using social media to promulgate information, but at least she was consistent. But at present information comes down in what method the author dictates.

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Not surprising, though.


I don’t see how they can redraw Regional Boundaries without also redrawing at least some of the Wings as well.


Stuff in “joint areas” being fixed almost overnight, where things in ATC offices are dragged out.

Took 6 YEARS to fix a heater in the ATC office, when an ACF office heater was replaced in a week.


So looking at LaSER as a simple example they currently have 6 Wings in 3 different RFCA areas.

Surrey, Kent and Sussex all come under South East RFCA
Essex comes under East Anglia RFCA
London comes under Greater London RFCA
Middlesex has a bit in all 3 as far as I can tell.

So how do you unlock it? Do you split Essex off to join the other East Anglia counties? That would seem sensible.

The same goes for Surrey Kent and Sussex.

Do you disband Middlesex completely, put the Squadrons into the Wings based on where they are? That suddenly makes London Wing a monster with 50+ Squadrons.

Do you then just make London into a Region on its own?

The Army is an old boys network.

The RAF is an “oh, boy” network.


And that RFCA patch extends westward into Hampshire and IOW. I also think a small part of Dorset and into Thames Valley. Then it’s Wessex RFCAs patch from there.