In Memoriam - Cadet Squadrons Lost, Closed, Merged & Disbanded

It’s nearing to a 100 years of Air Cadets & just over 80 years of the Air Training Corps.

Over those years that have been many squadrons, particularly after WW2 that are no longer in existence and as the years go by records are lost, people pass on & memories become faded & forgotten.

I thought would create a thread for people to post details of Squadrons that are no longer in existence so at least there some record & help prevent them being lost to time.

It’s always sad when a squadron closes for what ever reason & all the debates are now academic but at least this thread will allow a bit of reference for a Squadron.

Feel free to post squadrons that are gone even if you only know their number, name & year they closed.


907 Clowne Mining & Technical Institute Squadron. later 907 Creswell Sqn in Derbyshire.

Formed March 1941, Disbanded March 1955.

Details found in a parish news letter,


Do we include ones which became CCF…?

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We had a DF back in the day that the school it was based on went backrupt. Site was sold and no other location could be found


626 Penzance Squadron.

Formed in 1938 as No. 24F squadron.

Over time it lost its founder status and ended up as a detached flight for a while I think.

Then ended up at 626 Squadron. Working out of the old TA barracks Chyandour where it had fantastic views over Mounts Bay.

With the closure of St Ives Sqn it was the only unit covering Penwith peninsular. Had a late boom in the early to mid 00s with the help of the now WWO.

Sadly due to its remote location staffing was always hard and cadet numbers dwindled. Was merged with 1900 (Hayle) squadron to become 1900 (West Cornwall) Sqn in 2006-7 and the unit shut. The cadet hut has since been taken down.

The unit had great links with the RAFA club in the town which has now also sadly closed.

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can do as the old ATC Sqn was stood down so it would count as a merge? Keeps the history alive.

768 (Hayes School) squadron disbanded in 2005 - with some controversy!!


My old Sqn, 292 (Eccles) Squadron, merged with 319 (City of Salford) Sqn in 2018 to become 1938 (Salford City & Eccles) Sqn. Still at the same location as 292, though.

1938 (Salford City & Eccles) Squadron ATC (


Are there any ‘closed admission’ ATC sqns still around? Or are they all CCFs now?

2492 (Luton Airport) Squadron was merged several years ago with 10f (Luton) and 2465 (Icknield) making 10f (Luton Airport) and 2465 (Luton Icknield).

Since moving away from the airport, 10f has dropped the airport part and Icknield dropped the Luton part making it as though the merger never happened and 2492 not existing!


Some of the squadron origins/family trees are really fascinating!

On the 1st January 2022, 2433 (Ramsgate and Manston) squadron merged with 438 (Thanet) squadron, to form 2433 (Thanet) squadron.

This was due to 2433’s old site being reacquisitioned by the Govt, and streamlining of ATC in the area.

Now for another 1066 9Wavertree) Squadron closed and moved to 7F (1st City of Liverpool) Squadron in Aigburth. Wheels within wheels, the idea was that a CCF unit would be formed in the school around the corner… Never happened. The person responsible for CCF recruitment was an ATC officer working for the RFCA. The squadron huts are still on the edge of the playing fields to this day.

Same officer who when wing commander ATC moved 7F to co-locate with 90
(Speke) Squadron, this has failed miserably. Before this nobody told 7F that a CCF (RAF) until had been formed less than a mile away and not even then!! Strangely the ACF has been refurbished, and the Sea Cadets remain on the same site. The original plan was for a joint cadet centre.

The 7F nameplate has been moved to another Squadron in the North of the City, which is now failing badly and has in all but name become a detached flight.

2266 (Spilsby) Squadron closed roughly 18 years ago. The circumstances are somewhat blurry as to why this happened, and scandal of some description is believed to be involved.

1228 (Mablethorpe) Detached Flight never re-opened after COVID, as a consequence of low numbers of cadets & staff.

1082 (Brimmington) Squadron was closed shortly after COVID, as a consequence of low numbers. Not 100% sure of the exact reasons on this one.

I’m sure I’m forgetting a recent one too, and will add it when it comes to me.

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2523 Linton probably the most recent closure. A detached flight over the early years of 104 Cambridge and 1451 Haverhill, before forming as a squadron in the 70s and recently closing.



Always was much smaller than 331 and other surrounding squadrons. Lack of staff and strong competiton mostly.

Wouldn’t be surprised if proximity causes more to fold in that area.

579 (Knighton) Detached Flight in Mid Wales


Sqns in south Wales that have closed since I was a cadet in the 1980s.

2423 (Treorchy) Sqn
2272 (Chepstow) Sqn
2213 (Rumney) Sqn
585 (Milford Haven) Sqn
631 (Maesteg) Sqn
1284 (Tenby) Sqn
1584 (Pembroke Dock) Sqn
2318 (Aberkenfig) Sqn
499 (Port Talbot) Sqn
2227 (Mid Gwendraeth) Sqn
1455 (Brynamman) Sqn
2347 (Porthcawl) Sqn 2117 (Kenfig Hill) Sqn lost its building and amalgamated with 2347 which was closed and moved to 2347 building.
900 (Cross hands) Sqn
2346 (Seven Sisters) Sqn
1184 (Mountain Ash) Sqn
Ely Sqn Cardiff was 30F Number moved to Llandaff sqn, can’t remember the original number of Llandaff
St Davids Sqn closed when RAF Brawdy closed. Cant remember the number. amalgamated with 948 Sqn.


1056 (Radley College) Sqn disbanded 1948 on the formation of the CCF(RAF) section there. Originally consisted of elements from Radley, Abingdon School, Eastbourne College (evacuated to Radley for the duration) and a DF in Abingdon Town which became 2121 DF (now 2121 Sqn).
Eastbourne and Abingdon still have CCF(RAF) sections as well and the elements reunited in 2016 for ATC75 for a parade and service at Radley, with AM Sir Baz North.

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