IBN 64/24 - RAF Utility Uniform

If that’s like those blue overalls I see some wearing, it’s not that great (for general usage).

You might need to accept just wearing an existing colour.

No point being really unique and recognisable if it looks gash.

I think back to those leaked ideas. That’s a product of people who don’t understand the history of clothing and style trying too hard.


You’ve hit the nail on the head here. We should always look back to our history rather than trying to reinvent the wheel. In WW2 we wore the same battle dress (the contemporary equivalent to PCS) as the Army and RN but each service had their own colour. In addition, we wore Wedgwood blue shirts and black ties under the open-collared blouse, whereas in the Army only officers wore shirts and ties and enlisted soldiers buttoned the collar closed.

In WW2, field service caps (chip bags) were also worn with battle dress and with No. 1 SD. The ban on wearing them with the modern equivalents (whilst allowing photogs to wear berets) makes no sense to me.

There are no circumstances in which we should accept wearing a navy blue uniform (and that includes the awful GPJ!)

IIRC the Tactical Air Force switched to khaki battle dress in the ETO (partly for camo, partly due to hostility from the local CivPop to aircrew). Reverted in peacetime.

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Remember the mock ups… :grimacing:

I liked some elements. The dark blue trousers looked ok. Doubt the grey-blue would hold up well to much more than paperwork through.

Purely from a cadet organisation point of view, a single uniform that works for more or less every activity does appeal. But then you’d need 2 sets!


It looks more Wedgwood blue than blue-grey to me. Should be darker, like the No. 2 dress trousers (but not shiny and plasticky like them!)

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thread drift

Where I work, there is a Master Aircrew who walks around in MTP with a chiphat…

and back on thread

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My OC Wing does that sometimes!

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I think the lines have been blurred now that aircrew have specialist MTP uniforms that are somewhere between flying suits and normal green rig.

The army wear side hats in green, so I don’t understand why the RAF would, once again, make up their own odd rules.

One of your former CASWOs (is that right?) once answered the question “why can’t I wear my beret in blue, it’d be so much easier to stow it while riding my bike?” With:

“We issue you a ruck sack, why not put your hat in that?”


Although they don’t issue one (or at least not now) and the RAF branded backpack was explicitly verboten for CFAV in any mode of dress…

Schrödinger’s dress regs:

Paragraph 1: thou shalt wear X, Y and Z.

Paragraph 2: thou shalt not wear X, Y and Z.

ATC goes into civil war over the absence of an Oxford comma.

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Still have two in the loft…


I exchanged one recently, after someone stepped on one of the plastic buckles and snapped it. They have the corporate branding now, rather than the eagle, and smaller side pouches.

how do i access the site

Well, it is a Field Service Cap…

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If you’re a CFAV, use your JPA number to access Defence Gateway. If you’re a cadet or otherwise not a CFAV, you won’t be able to access it unless you have Defence Gateway access through some other means (MOD Civil Service, Reserves etc).

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