How do we go about putting cadets forward for IACE? I’ve been trawling through Sharepoint but can’t find anything of use there.
Their website should be a starting point - but with only a very quick look, I couldn’t find any application details in the handbook.
From an Australian cadet site, it says applications to be made Dec/Jan, so hopefully you have a little time to track down the required process. The Aide Memoire suggests that Dec is when the ball starts rolling.
ACTO 53 contains the information you need in relation to IACE
You wing will be allocated places to distribute as they see fit so there will be a paper sift and potential interview depending on number of applications made.
In my experience (on our Wing) unless you have cadets who feature large on the Wing scene and produce secretions beloved of Wing Staff or have been put forward for Wing awards, general applications for IACE are mostly futile.
I did years ago as I thought the lad was really worthy for it, but he wasn’t known on the Wing or hadn’t been considered for an award, so didn’t get a look in.
Same here - a solid performer on the Sqn but who isn’t a ‘wing cadet’ stands about as much chance as Jimmy Saville…
It’s a toy of wing HQ, and it gets given to their children - the wing/region sporty types and their ilk.
It would be a nice thing to be able to suggest any of our decent cadets go for, but given what we know of the actual selection criteria, we’re not going to waste the time of anyone who doesn’t fit that mould regardless of of how deserving an opportunity to compete they are…
out of personal curiosity, what that highlighted or your perception based on other candidates who were considered?
It was what came out in the post as to had been called for consideration. All of them were known around the Wing but constituted the group that you see all the time, do sports, go around being overly loud and annoying and get all the prizes, others don’t get look in unless they are given the chance to promote themselves.
My lad was bloody good, but not “Wingy” enough, he wasn’t sporty, noisy or pushy, he got on with things at the sqn was well respected by the RBL and RAFA and on things like AT and DofE he helped out with the younger cadets.
Overall you can invariably guess who each year who will get the wing awards each year and not be too far out. I wish I could pick lottery numbers as easily.
Thanks all, hopefully our Wing won’t be too skewed in their selection.