I had hoped we'd seen the last of the lunacy

So would appear that CFAV’s are NOT permitted to deliver any type of PT Sessions and Community Sports Leader qualification does NOT Cover or allow someone to deliver PT.

Was going to go back with “are we allowed knitting?” but obviously with those sharp point - NO CHANCE.

Why do we continue to take any sort of ‘Adventure’ out of Venture Adventure we’ll slip below what the Girl Guides do at this rate…

Probably because there is no fitness requirements/standards for entry.

You can still do DofE style Potted Sports for their Pre-DofE. A low level sports night on the squadron.

But, fitness training and standards isnt that.

Where has that come from? I’ve been on activities where people holding CSL are delivering PT type activities.

Can we? Our email said No PT… So what is and is not PT then? I read this as pretty much a stop to sports, similar to what @DannyBoy is saying.

CFAVs are not permitted to deliver any type of PT sessions - circuits or otherwise. Community Sports Leader (CSL) qualification does not qualify its instructors to cover or deliver PT.

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I would interpret that as no military style PT (squaded runs, circuits, etc.) rather than no sport. We clearly need sports at sqn-level to be able to select teams for wg events.

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PT understandably conjures images of doing press-ups and shuttles until you puke, and taking people to their limits.

Saying no to anything that comes near to that seems reasonable, as I never recall my CSL course covering anything other than facilitating some light games and a positive relationship with moving one’s limbs outdoors.

If you’re going to be pushing people, tiring them out, and increasing the risk of injury, you need to be really clear you understand what you’re doing (and I’d argue the cadets would need to come mentally prepared for that sort of thing).

If you weren’t thinking of something that intense, I’d wager it could be a pretty easy slope to slide down if you don’t have well-trained leaders.

we’ve had it direct from our TSA Rep and it’s come out from RAFAC HQ so if it’s not hit your inboxes yet it will do and whilst entirely agree that we shouldn’t be trying to ingratiate into the Hitler Youth this taken from a part of the message:
" CFAVs are not permitted to deliver any type of PT sessions - circuits or otherwise. Community Sports Leader (CSL) qualification does not qualify its instructors to cover or deliver PT."
So as normal the message has gone out but will send mixed messages as we do DoE Sports and this encompasses a Circuit Style of Sports activity that checks the persons physical activity over a number of weeks - so would this now be In or Out - currently no guidance.
Will be interesting to see how they qualify the above…

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As ever for a Friday afternoon, something goes out to Regions, gets disseminate by some, some are on POETS day, rest have to wait until Monday!!

Bet it’ll be in the weekly bulletin; that started to come out on a Friday, now a Tuesday!!


Given the few comments on here, it’s clear that ‘PT’ needs to be defined, before it can be banned.

Surely the pre-DofE sports things are PT. It’s literally called the physical section, and it’s training. PT. Sit-ups, press-ups, shuttle sprints, skipping etc. And if that some how isn’t PT, and is allowed, then what isn’t allowed?

I know that competitive or selection things are not allowed. ie “You must do X push ups” or “You must do more push ups than the next person”, etc.


hopefully not ruined your day - don’t let 'em grind you down

I’m pretty sure that is not allowed (and arguably never was)

@Tornado gen question: what are ‘potted sports’? I can only think of potted shrimps but I’m on lates today and haven’t had lunch yet

This is my probelm with the email. The chain refers to “Potted Sports”, “PT” and “Physical Activity” but provides no clarity on what any of those things are. It also says theres a “Cavernous difference” between Physical Training and Physical Activities…

Sounds like exactly the same thing to me…

My understanding of potted sports is that it is the sports that we do at the squadron that are not covered by an official ruling body.

A properly organised 11 a side match on a full size pitch would be governed by the FA, whereas an inter flight kick about with 8 on each side, played on the the bit of grass in your compound would be potted sports.

I would argue they aren’t the same thing at all. Sports for recreation is a physical activity but is not training.

And step back in time to my old copy of ACP31 - we used to have a PT section in our manuals. Just shows how far we’ve come.

And the good old days of “Gimme 10!” :wink:

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In the scream of a Rockape corporal at the College of Knowledge, ‘you do press-ups until L get tired’ to an officer cadet.

Now that is a new one on me!

I’m sure this came out earlier in the year and it was pushed back on by the DofE Cadre as one officer at HQAC was saying you couldn’t do it but hadn’t engaged with the DofE staff at all.

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I remember the conversation, but not the outcome.

Similarly, I’m qualified and trained to deliver group running sessions thanks to UK Athletics (licence has subsequently been moved to England Athletics though).

The sports instructions (forgot the word - it’s been a long day) say that I can deliver sports that I’m trained to deliver. As I don’t consider running to be under the definition of PT that HQ are cackhandedly attempting to use, I feel confident that I’d be breaking no rules if I were to deliver group running sessions.

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