How often do cadets shoot? When did you last shoot?

It’s not difficult to train on the AR, and anyone saying it is, I’m sorry, but they are having you on. The training, done properly is one day. There is no faffing with transporting rifles, storing them etc. You can train 1 rifle between 3 if needed and still train a class in 1 day. With one rifle each, you’re talking max 6 hours.

The problem is getting the qual’d staff to deliver the training on ‘just’ the AR, most want to training weapons which a bigger bang :man_shrugging:t2:

Also getting staff on course to deliver the training.

Wow. That’s very proper.
Usually takes us a morning with a rifle between two…

There needs to be an AR only SAAI course, it should need the full 5 days to train someone just to deliver the AR training.

We should also be allowed to have the old qCWHT back, it was a great qualification and really helped us to keep shooting going locally.


qcWHT will never be back.

Would people actually attend an air rifle only SAAI that was 1 weekend with some online learning the week before? Wouldn’t count towards a full SAAI and would only ever allow instruction on Air Rifle?

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No, but that seems excessive.

Would people attend a single day ARSAAI, with their first lesson being assessed by a full SAAI. Maybe?

Full SAAI holders have no competency in assessing an SAAI period and SASC wouldn’t bite.

Even SATT instructors doing it have to go through development to do that and they spend time assessing on other courses and are standards checked in doing so.

I’m afraid if people think you can become an SAAI in a day you’ll never get that capability. 2 days with some online learning may be possible.

If they only have a weekend available, or don’t want to commit to a 5 day course, then yes. Additionally AR is something that can be run quickly and easily on squadron. No reliance on Wing level or multi squadron support. So yes, for the sake of getting the cadets doing, getting experience and earning badges, I do think staff would do a shorter AR specific course.

(I still feel a full weekend course is overkill!)

Have you attended an SAAI course over 2 weekends? What makes you say a full weekend isn’t possible?

You have to fit in demo lessons, and 2 x assessments of each candidate at least.

I would certainly attend a 2 day course that limited me to air rifle only. Some shooting is better than none


And there are people out there who only want to do AR at squadron level!! Why should they have to do a course that they don’t want to do, being trained on L98!!


This is where the time saving kicks in, no need to do L98 IWT or learn all the lessons.


There was discussion of doing an AR level course, which would qualify staff to be an AR only RCO, and a SAAI on AR only.

I believe its being driven by the ACF…but would fit for us too.


Why not make the whole SAAI qual discipline specific? I compare this to the British Canoeing coaching model - one ‘Core Coach’ course which teaches the fundamental coaching theory (this equates to the MOI / EDIP aspects taught on the SAAI). Then a ‘DIscipline Specific’ course which focuses on the aspects of the craft in question (which equates to the weapon system).

Start with AR, one weekend plus online, teach all the MOI stuff and lesson aspects specific to AR then add another module for L98/L144. This can recap the MOI elements a little if necessary.

If you can do the whole thing in two weekends, and be qualified to teach everything (WHT allowing, obvs), I’m not sure why it can’t be made modular.


It’s RAFAC driven, though the ACF will benefit when their 2* option of doing NGB expires.

No wonder you’re NEP, far to logical thinking for this org.

I’ve got two weeks left yet, so the sensible idea can be ■■■■-canned as per normal.


We tend to run a shoot at our local station’s 25m range monthly, and for the run up to CISSAM we run more long ranges

I think that was being at one point.

Or why not recognise the NSRA quals - especially the Youth Proficiency Scheme - which along with appropriate training and WHT on the AR being used should suffice? That would cover any cadet force specific drills.


Also to attend an RCO course staff now have to achieve CLF3 on the L98 and have that recorded.

Not an impossibly high standard but it takes range time and takes a lane away from a cadet while staff are qualified, or requires SATTs or Wings to run staff qualification shoots. It can’t be done on the DCCT.

I don’t think this is required for SAAI though.