How much time do you commit to RAFAC

That’s exactly my point!

There’s something going on in my Wg petty much every weekend too!

Weve got so many cadets, and so many activities, that we normally run additional parade nights to fit it all in…

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Yep. When ever I used to run climbing or paddling evenings they’d normally be on a non-parade night.

Same for things like Air Rifle, can’t take the main hall out of play on a normal parade night!

You sound like a CCF officer :slight_smile:

In all seriousness, one of the characteristic features of most CCF officers is that, as they are school employees, the ‘boss’ they want to please is the head; they will only do things to please the RAFAC hierarchy (who are not in their CoC anyway) if it means their cadets get more ‘stuff’. So we’ll jump through any hoops necessary to get cadets flying, on camps, etc., but any hoops which are just administrative and jumping through which might be good for their RAFAC ‘career’ will be irrelevant and ignored.

This partly explains the patchy uptake of BADER: we’ll use it if it means our cadets can do stuff, but not just for the sake of it. We get enough of that cr4p with WESTMINSTER.

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Special Ks wet dream.
All risk removed.


Surely Drill is a high risk activity isn’t it?

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All those shin splints. Plus risk of climactic injuries if done outside


Not to mention the well documented and numerous examples of the activity causing people to faint, and the potential risk to hearing from repetitive loud noises.

A not-a-teacher external CCF Section Commander here, with some wider AvO type work for the AEF we use.

Commitment is 1 parade a week in term time, days here and there to support AEF sorties, 2 Weekends a term and 1 week camp every 2 years.

Then there is all the Admin from home on top, probably 3 or 4 hours a week.

I used to do far more to support weekend activities both for my Section but also to support the Army Section, back before I gained a Daughter. My weekends are now largely spent shuttling her instead!

Recently though I have been doing more work to integrate my local Wing with my Section, offering the range, armoury, space for courses etc.

The biggest thing I am dealing with atm as a CFAV is the lack of recognition for the time I put in, balanced against my Wifes gentle push to instead Volunteer with the Girl Guiding org… my daughter has a desire to join the Brownies and they don’t have staff for a local unit.

Ordinarialy I don’t mind being left to get on with it by the powers that be - but the lack of feedback is a factor in the decision I will have to eventually make.


Out of curiosity is that from RAFAC or from the school?

Regretfully - both!

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