Hi,interested in joining as a Instructor

Hi folks,just a quick hello.
Im an ex PI at the ACF,i did around 9 months training before i had to leave due to work commitments etc.
At the time i was gutted,but as a volunteer it was work which came first im afraid.

long story short things have changed and im wanting to get back into things.
Why not go back to the ACF? well it was fun,but lets just say theres more people there who enjoy pretending to be real soldiers than there is real instructors.Not all,as there is some great people involved in the org.
Why didnt i choose AC first time round? Not sure to be honest,as an ex regular i kind of stayed loyal to the green side.

But my first option as a career back in the old days,was the RAF…i failed to get the job i wanted,or if im honest i didnt make the grade in the tests.
So me being me,i went and turned green.
Ive always loved the RAF and over the years and especially when i was with the ACF i admired from afar the AC gang.You lot certainly know your drill. :wink:
Anyway i wont bore you all to death,im just hoping i can get some guidance and info etc.


My advice would be don’t join the first squadron you walk into - have a look and see whats around, visit a few and get a feel for them all, what’s going on in their lives and how things work. In some, you will instantly click, in others you’ll wish you were back in the ACF!

It depends where you are in the country as to what you can expect when you first join. Our Wing run an evening’s induction night before you start being allowed to parade at your choosen squadron. This enables you to get a “bigger picture” overview, but it also gets some of the great and good (or bad and ugly!) to get a look at you.

You’ll then fill in some paperwork, do a CRB and wait for clearance then you’re in! Start parading and start sharing some of your skills and experinces with young people in our fine Corps.

Our fieldcraft manual is quite basic! If you want to get into shooting, it will depend on your local Small Arms Training Team as to how quickly you can progress. If you want to get into AT, then it will depend on your local Wing (or your personal motivation!) as to how quickly you can get qualified!

Hope that helps!

I would also recommend speaking to your local wing HQ as well. As Batfink says, if you walk into one unit, you may find they won’t want to let you go too easily. By speaking to Wing first, they can recommend which Units will benefit from your skills the most. It’s not unheard of for one squadron to hog staff and their neighbours to have none.

Not quite the way it is supposed to be done- all joiners have to be interviewed by a Squadron Commander and Wing staff officer, although some Wings are varying this slightly- some Wings have an induction night which you will be required to attned, then once references are obtained then the CRB process should follow- of note is that most Wings are delving into backgrounds a bit more than in the past and they will check your military background and also your ACF past as well before accepting you- no great problems for most people but is in place for a reason.

We had a very experienced WO with a chest full of medals who turned out never to have served a day in the regulars or reserves, and had left a previous Wing while being investigated for inappropiate behaviour with female cadets, some usual carpet lifting going on! so I support this more detailed approach- the South Wales case a few years back and the enquiry afterwards caused this change not my Dodgy WO!

WRT the comments about looking around at different squadrons etc, this seems to come up time and again. It’s OK for people to look around BUT this is a hobby and needs to be practical to the individual.

So yes look around but keep uppermost, how easy it will be to get to the squadron you finally decide on, when you’ve had a crap day at work, get in a bit later than normal or you need to be at the sqn at ‘sparrow’s’ and give your time to the squadron that you are going to better able to attend in those cirumstances.

Sod the ATC and any higher idesls and think of yourself. You get plenty of opportunities to pass your skills, knowledge etc onto a wider range of cadets, by getting involved in joint activities, so think local.

thanks for all your replies,im just outside halifax.
So the ATC unit shared with the ACF one,but im quite happy to look at huddersfield/bradford etc.

ive just sent for some info via the site too,so hopefully next couple of weeks may hear something.
Can someone tell me if the HQ in castleford is easy to get to from the bus/train station?
thanks again

[quote=“Iratus” post=2346]thanks for all your replies,im just outside halifax.
So the ATC unit shared with the ACF one,but im quite happy to look at huddersfield/bradford etc.

ive just sent for some info via the site too,so hopefully next couple of weeks may hear something.
Can someone tell me if the HQ in castleford is easy to get to from the bus/train station?
thanks again[/quote]
If you can travel as far as Hebden Bridge then try getting in touch with 2447 (Calder Valley) Sqn. A fine squadron if ever there was one :wink:

I usually go to Wing HQ by train, it’s not too bad, but Castleford centre is a bit grim at night (although being ex-Army I’m sure that doesn’t bother you!)

is calder valley still going?
its about same distance for me to get to.

Yep, we’re alive and kicking.

If you’re interested in visiting, send an email to 2447 AT aircadets D0T org, or use the contact form on our website.