Help with mydrive

So i tried to add my license etc to defence gateaway then mydrive. set up the account fine no issues but when tried to add my license comes up with a message saying i must join a hub before i can add it. Can anybody tell me exactly what to do here and where it is i couldnt find anywhere to join a hub etc.

Hubs are in the settings section - Select & View additional hub.

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Make sure you select your parent station that has your MT file as your hub.

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what do you mean by the parent station. so i am west scotland wing.

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Ah. In that case I think you want Leuchars, but it might be Lossie for West.

The station assigned to support your Wing, usually the place you go for kitting.

If you’ve never been to MT there before you may be able to select any station.

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Yeah… This isn’t a thing for West, Central, or South East Scotland.

We’re parented by Lowland or Highland RFCA.

For MT purposes, it’s the small section at Leuchars that still “look after” us, but that is itself managed by Lossie.

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@rock this guide may help:{45DBB45A-0901-4306-9727-6E07030E7D62}&file=20231110-Desk_Guide_MyDrive_Guidance.docx&action=default&mobileredirect=true&DefaultItemOpen=1