Help looking for a file....Sight picture

I am looking for the digital version of the attached

A fellow colleague has a copy and asked where they took it from, they couldn’t recall :pinch: and so I looked in all the obviously places with no luck.

I have since taken a photo to share on here in the hope someone will be able to point me in the right direction! :idea:
I may well have been looking in the right book/PAM/ACP/AP but not the right section, or dismissed a publication altogether!

either way i would like a copy of the attached for my own use and am struggling to find where it is… :S

thanks in advance!

Seems to be from not yet controlled Document/ACP0018 - Manual of Marksmanship Training/20071106_Air Rifle-Lesson 1_U_TG5.doc (bader login required)

ah of course! Air Rifle…yes that was a place i didn’t think to look expecting this to have been covered in the PAMs relating to “military hardware”

Thanks alot!!