
Hello, I’m Adam. I do social media things.

I’ve meant to ask for ages, Adam, do you also get the chance to work on social media systems development / policy work outwith the ACO? Please, don’t give out any detail if you feel it’s better not to. It’s just that I would imagine that it could be constructive but also very difficult to have to develop/ create policies and formats for, say, radically-different types of social circles, or where one client/sector had commercial marketing pressures and sales targets, compared maybe to a client within the charities sector. It must be an interesting area to work in professionally, I have to say I’m a bit envious of your job.

Isn’t this massive redevelopment of ACC looking really good? Dave and James plus the rest of the crew have been putting in a lot of effort to get the revised forum structure as slick as possible. The feedback from the forum membership re layouts/ styles is working very well, it’s certainly shown me that there can indeed be exceptions to that old saying “a camel looks like a horse designed by a committee”.


Wilf_San, the short answer to this is - yes, I do.

ACC’s redevelopment is good. It’s a much better improvement compared to the last forum.

Hi Adam!

Hi, I’m Baldrick and I am an alcoholic.

Hi Adam!

Hi, I’m Baldrick and I am an alcoholic.[/quote]

Wine or beer, Baldrick?

Hi Adam!

Hi, I’m Baldrick and I am an alcoholic.[/quote]

Wine or beer, Baldrick?[/quote]

Stupidly, last time, Both. Need to stop doing that, it hurts.