Have we formally become the RAF Air Cadets?

When you do… let me know


I’m going to be one of the (apparently few) people to say that they look fine to me.
The only preference I would have would be slightly longer bars on the “F”.

I actually prefer the slightly softened edges to the hard lines that people seem to want.

As a point to note, these actually look akin to the old brass “A” badges that RAuxAF officers used to wear.

Let us know, he will make a fortune

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Or maybe HQAC get in touch and give him contract.

lets see what he comes up with first but yeah, I think he would be much better…

but I am biased

Classic one on Twitter yesterday - the sqn has retitled its Twitter account XXX Sqn RAFAC, which is wrong, and the officer in the picture is still wearing VRT pins (though I suspect that might not be his fault!)

I’m getting very close to tweeting these accounts and pointing out the error of their ways!

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Was it a current photo? I saw a tweet about a “recent” para badge with the Wg Cdr wearing VR(T) pins. No problems with it as it was clearly a photo taken of a past event - he had a poppy on. Sadly, the poppy was on the wrong side.

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I still have not had my RAFAC pins yet. Still have VRT on my No1s. Same for my whole wing.

You aren’t missing anything, they are pants!

It’s “Wg Cdr”, not “Wg Cmdr”, regardless of where his poppy was. :sunglasses:

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He was a Wing Commodore!.
oops :slight_smile:

Can we please stop referring to Air Cdre McCafferty as CRAFAC? It’s possibly the worst acronym I’ve ever seen, and from what I can gather it’s also wrong. We never used to refer to her as CACO, so why now CRAFAC? She’s Commandant Air Cadets, CAC surely?

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No, she’s Commandant RAF Air Cadets, ergo, CRAFAC. Certain publications also refer to the post title as such.

Her re-branding, not ours.


I think the most important thing is that as CAC, you can write CACk, to indicate quite how unutterably bottom third she is…

I haven’t come up with a good one for CRAFAC yet, we I do, we can switch over.


Replace that F with a P and we would be sitting on a goldmine…


“Bottom third” - do explain?

It’s like a Richard the Third

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At Sandhurst Officer Cadets are graded Top, Middle and Bottom Third - Top third can pretty much go to whatever Regiment or Corps they like (and some Regiments and Corps are sufficiently popular that they will only take top thirds), bottom third go - almost invariably - to Royal Signals, RLC (non ATO), AGC, RAMC (non-Med), AAC (non-flying) and the like. Middle third kind of go in the, err… middle.

Administrator who screws up everything they touch? Solidly bottom third.