Or, more appropriately, has the RAF ‘outshrunk’ the ATC?
The defence budget is beyond stretched. The facilities and resources are at breaking point for the regulars, never mind the reserves, and with the cadets coming way down the list.
More and more activities are being curtailed because the RAF simply doesn’t have the resources to spare.
The post-cold war draw down of the RAF is still ongoing, almost all the stations I visited during my time as a cadet and as staff have closed now, leaving only a few sites across the entire country.
The availablity of any given resource is at best a post code lottery.
None of this is the fault of the RAF. They of course have to prioritise the defence of the nation, that is both right and proper.
Private, external bodies can more than match the current offering from the RAF - and in some cases can surpass it.
Is it time the ATC went back to it’s ADCC roots and became a private charity, away from the auspices of the RAF?
As much as I’ve recently left, I’m still reading about all the noise, all the pain, all the unnecessary admin, the headaches, the poor comms, the often unfathomable decision making, and I can’t help but think there’s no benefit anymore.
Would becoming a non-RAF aligned body stop all that? No, of course not. But would it help in a lot of cases? I believe yes.