Grob Tutor safety briefing video

Join CCF, ACF, SCC. When I get a home computer back I’ll try to download and reupload here.

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What a shambles. Why doesn’t the ATC have access if all the others do?

The ATC does? I’ve got an account!

Right, how do I get one.

Go to Defence Gateway and enter your details.

It’s been a year or two since I joined, so don’t remember the specific process, sorry!

Doesnt Seem to work with aircadet emails.
Do we need to be pre-registered?

Wexo can register you as they will have a .mod account

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If you use it will work and go to the same account as


Nope. Doesnt work

I was previously hosting this file in my personal OneDrive and have made some changes to file structure which has broken the link.

That said I don’t believe that AEFs want us to display the video prior to AEF Attendance.

Details on how to register for Defence Gateway are available on SharePoint, a quick search returns this result - Defence Gateway for Users from the Air Cadet Organisation

You should avoid using a email address as that is a role account and not yours, so you should register using your personal email address (GMAIL / Hotmail etc.)

All CFAVs that are involved in running tanges will have DGW accounts in order to use the eRASP system.

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that’s all well and good but it is recommended/expected as part of the Airmanship topic in first class…

But should it be?


“rules is rules” remember :wink:

i don’t mind either way, i am simply about to teach the subject and after a cursory glance around the obvious places in the Squadron office for the DVD turned to ACC.

I recall the days when we could watch the video on unit and not need to on the day, making for a quicker turn around providing the video was watched in the last 7 days…

what does it offer? i am not sure, i’ve not seen it in a while, but given the “worse case” example is talked about doesn’t offer a promotional advert for flying imo…

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Odd. It certainly used to unless that’s been turned off by someone. @james_elliott do you know if that is the case?

@pEp Sorry what is the question again please?

Think its bader email address as accessing defence gateway

Ah right - I have just emailed myself at and it worked…I don’t know much about DG as I have never had to create an account for myself yet…give me more specifics please?

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Others have been able to use their bader email to register with DG.

my oc account is not being allowed.

Do we have to be pre registered? Some wings may do this automatically.

After DG access for the defence film library.

Honestly, I don’t know - what has your WExO said?

Waiting on reply.
Might be some time.

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