Going flying in air cadets

That might get many asking ‘What the heck’, as I’m on a sqn whose normal allocation is hopefully 2 slots for 3/4 cadets per annum - as allocated by WAvO. There are rare occurrences for us of being able to bid for extra (usually returned/rejected slots).

It helps when you have the capacity to be “in it to win it” with us having the retired guys for a better of a phrase transport isn’t a problem sometimes its finding the cadets available to go with 2 days notice!

Even if we had the capacity to be ‘in it to win it’ with retired CFAVs, we still don’t see the level of extra that you’re seeing. Are there alot of units in your area not taking up the meagre allocations out there?

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It could well be the case. Over the 10 days in a month (on average) we do see the same Squadrons month on month with some allocations and some only bidding every 2 or 3 months. There are probably be 30-40 slots or thereabouts per month

Really?? :flushed:

Having CFAVs who are retired doesn’t necessarily mean that they are available at weekends (or weekdays) - family events, other hobbies, other RAFAC activities - I’m both Aviation & Shooting for our sqn. I also have regular “hobby” weekend shooting events.

No but a higher chance during the week then we have 2 staff including me who will take time off work to take so 4 in total. If we are lucky and got a block of slots a month we only need to do 3 each a year if we divided them but usually the retired guys want to get out and have bought into the squadron ethos

Also is it blues or MTP for flying?

It always used to be blues. But I think it varies a bit now. I know 2 AEF is always MTP now.

What do you mean 2 AEF? My friends done it with blues

No# 2 AEF, aka Number 2 Air Experience Flight.
Air Experience Flight’s are the units around the UK who take cadets flying in the Grob Tutor.

You should ask your squadron staff about what uniform to wear to go flying, they should tell you what the AEF Joining Instructions (JI’s) say.

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Cadets can fly in either MTP or blues however take trainers with you to change out of your boots.

Why can’t they wear boots?

Muddy boots

Same principle as trainers then?


Large / deep tread on boots= potential for FOD.

Also, harder to get “precise” feeling on rudder pedals when using boots.

Makes better sense but would have thought you check the footwear for all,

But don’t the pilots wear boots? I’ve taken cadets to AEF & Gliding - no issue with either of cadets wearing MTP boots & not requested or looked at by the staff when there. Apologies if a little confused.

I was always told trainers for footwear because of all of the above - reduced risk of FOD being brought in to the aircraft; better sensitivity to pedals; and also to protect the surface of the wings when climbing in / out - in case…

Above all else - always follow the JIs as per any activity

Always used to wear 2C for flying, completely negated the tread depth issue. But I can only assume the quality of the issued uniforms is now so poor it’s considered a fire hazard.

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Cut directly from 2 AEF orders, so several optio s available

3. Cadets expecting to fly should arrive dressed in No. 2 SD or ideally PCS (no synthetic T-shirts).
Cadets must not attend wearing skirts. Any form of synthetic leggings/track suit bottoms are
unsuitable for wear under the flying suit. Combat Boots – not Parade/Drill Boots with Segs, are the
preferred footwear but leather shoes/trainers may be worn. Training shoes made from synthetic
materials are unsuitable and should not be worn. Not being appropriately dressed may result in
the cadet not being allowed to fly for flight safety reasons. Civilian staff attending should be
dressed in smart, appropriate, clothing

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