Going flying in air cadets

We usually go flying every 3 months, but I never get selected and some even gone 2 times

Apologies if this has been answered above but I haven’t read the rest of the thread & you haven’t marked a solution.

Firstly the minimum age to go flying is 13years 3 mths.

You also need weigh over 35kg

If you tick these boxes then Good stuff.

It’s not unusual to have to wait about 12 months from joining before going flying. There’s normally a number of other cadets who are waiting for their first flight.

Next thing is do highlight this to your staff/Sqn adj it will put you in their minds when selecting.

This last bit may not apply but it’s worth checking. Look & examine the av med form. If there are any conditions that you will need to get a doctors sign off beforehand then start that process. Speak to your Sqn staff & they can get the extra form. This means that you’re not hit with an unexpected blocker when the opportunity occurs.

I hope this all helps but just make sure you grab the opportunity when you are able to :slightly_smiling_face:


If you think you’ve been overlooked for flying, it might be worth mentioning it to your flight or squadron’s Cadet SNCOs, so they can bring it up with the squadron’s adult staff.

In the Royal Air Force, it is the job of the Flight SNCO to manage both the welfare of the JNCOs and Air Specialists, as well as their career development opportunities, so you’ll be giving their Air Cadet equivalents on your unit useful ‘training for service and civilian life.’

If you are eligible to fly, like the FSgt has pointed out in the previous post, then a reminder to your staff that you are still there would be helpful. It could be an genuine administrative error: the adult staff have a lot to do running your squadron and organising activities. :thinking:

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Just to add I think you are also meant to have completed first class or at least flying ops/airmanship 1 before going

Regardless worth asking Sqn staff in case there is a local blocker.

The minimum age for flying (AEF & GIF) was reduced to 13yrs 0mths back in July 2022.


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And of course, the Aviation Blue package - best to do this before you go flying, as it gives you an idea of what the aircraft controls do; once you add a real flight on, then you qualify for the Blue badge.

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Yes this is sadly the way it is alot now. Ive had cadets who was their first time flying and had been in 5years. This summer ive had 5x slots ive taking cadets flying and only 1 got cancelled so been lucky.

we didn’t as dont have access to a simulator near us so we have cadets been flying but havent completed PTT blue

What options do you have to:

a. Get a PC for flight simulator purposes?

b. Find a member of staff (your sqn aviation person, if there is one) to get qualified to use any such flight sim to train / qualify cadets?

Another factor that hasn’t been mentioned is weather and availability of escorting staff and potentially access to transport.

Firstly, in an ideal world, AEF opportunities would be available every weekend and the weather would always be perfect.

So, let’s start with the fact that there are dozens of Wings trying to fairly distribute flying slots across their respective Sqn.

You then have to ensure each Sqn are in a position to be able to accept slots when offered.

Staff need to be available to transport / escort cadets in a suitable vehicle.

Generally speaking, as has been mentioned repeatedly, priority is usually given to cadets that have never flown before and then cadets who have waited longest…

The only consolation I can offer you, is that your frustration is shared not only by many other cadets - but also by all the staff - but it is worth the wait, as very little comes close to your first flight at the controls of a light aircraft.


My cadet mates have already asked and have received flying form 2 weeks ago for flying next month. Is it too late to ask?

Are you qualified with the classification trg?

Are you old enough?

Are you available & medically fit as per the Av Med Form?

The Av Med Form (V2.0) is available on Cadet Portal & is now valid for one yr. Download, print & get your parents / guardians to complete so you can hand it in.

(I am getting ALL our cadets to pre-complete this form, & the F6424 if relevant, so that there is no admin faff when we are allocated flying slots - or cadets go to a camp where there might be flying opportunities.)

If you have a medical condition that requires a “Declaration of Medical Health” form (F6424) to be completed by your GP, get that sorted. Any fees charged by the GP are refunded by RAFAC.


I am medically fit, old enough and qualified

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Then as I outlined above:


100% agree with you, same with shooting in our area, just two cadets out of 60 who’ve done IWH

If you meet all the crireria (sounds like you do) approach your OC and politely ask when you are next on the list to go flying, if there is a waiting list OC will explain where you are, or if it is an accidental oversight it will enlighten the OC who should then endeavour to correct it and get you up at earliest opportunity. If OC is unsupportive bring up your parents. Hopefully it will get sorted for you

We outline to our cadets that we look at a variety of factors to select cadets for flying / gliding slots.

Most are objective - some are subjective…

  1. Time on sqn
  2. Attendance (noting any reasons for authorised absences)
  3. Uniform standard
  4. Assistance / participation in external activities - & no repetitive last minute drop-outs
  5. Potential “reward” status for exceptional / long-standing inputs into the sqn
  6. Gnd studies / flt sim completed

Just to put it out there, the squadron might be bidding for slots and say get 4 a month. Sounds good however the slots are weather dependent, Pilot availability dependent and Squadron staff transportation dependent. A friendly word with staff or your Cadet NCO team to speak with especially the adjutant on the squadron shouldn’t be frowned upon as long as the question is phrased in the right way to establish if the squadron is bidding for slots and what you can do to be on that list.

All Squadrons run things slightly differently, we have a policy of any cancellations through no fault (such as weather etc) get first refusal on the next set of AEF. The problem does occur if you get a spell of bad weather then the same lists can roll on.

That’s unfortunately not a realistic example. We are a mid sized Squadron (circa 60 on the books) and we get 2 slots of 3 places once or twice a year.

That is before weather etc - we have had no cadets achieve a powered flight so far this calendar year, and we have no further allocations due.

I’d suggest to the OP they ask if they are on the waiting list for flying, in case as others have said there’s been an oversight or other factors. If it’s not that, then it’s a waiting game I’m afraid.

For our Wing we have 30 Squadrons although it might be the case that not everyone is bidding (who can say). We get given about 8 weeks before the first date available and usually 7-10 days window to bid from the Wing Aviation officer (for example this week for the whole of December) and we get to bid for how many slots we would like up to a max of what ever there is available. He makes the selections and hands them to the Squadrons, we then select our cadets in line with the 3 or 4 slots we have been given.

As a Squadron we are lucky to have 2 retired uniformed CFAV’s ,we just bid for max number for every slot available, we only get given one 4 cadet slot a month but it allows the Wing Aviation officer to choose Squadrons that might only be able to take cadets say on a Monday etc although 2 have been cancelled this year due to the weather we do have more in December. This is a rolling procedure throughout the year so in mid December we will get January’s slots etc then from there

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