Gliding "paused"

This is a kick in the guts and nads simultaneously.
This is disgraceful and demonstrates ably what the RAF and MoD think of us. They have betrayed the trust of staff and cadets.
Why couldn’t the MoD have got GROB to refurbish them for us?
Why couldn’t we have got a grant from the DfT?
Did the MoD try and get this done for Air Cadets obviously not and someone within 2FTS will have known this and not told us, well unless they came in one day and just accepted their aircraft had gone missing.
Our cadets have lost out completely. Where is the money from the sale going? Pound to a penny not the ATC.
How do you in an AIR TRAINING Corps with very, very, very much reduced flying opportunities and then you get this, which gives a real sinking feeling for the real future of flying in the ATC. Which level of idiot would make this public, bearing in mind the ill-feeling towards “the pause” and lack of action in the ATC.

I wonder if there will be a sharepoint announcement?


Charlie Wray, 2FTS seems adamant everyone on Facebook has it wrong, but isn’t offering his truth…

Even Alastair Campbell would struggle to make this look or sound good.

I’m awaiting the FOI request to be sent in…then itll get interesting


Had been thinking the same


But I would love that. The backlash would be phenomenal.

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Drafting one very soon - any suggestions for content? :wink:


What considerations were taken by the mod to secure the same result for the original users.

That’s one for a start

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Reason for decommissioning and all related correspondence, cost of works to bring them back online for RAFAC service, value of sale, value of DfT grant?

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Reason DfT grant couldn’t have applied to the Air Cadets.

Why weren’t GROB approached to refurb for us as opposed to messing around trying to find an independent company?
When was this decision made?
Why was this decision made?
Why weren’t the Air Cadets at squadron level informed before the RAF website piece?

@Paracetamol I’ve been “sent” a link to this by 2 people I know, who are not in the ATC. Can’t even begin to quote them, when I’ve replied we hadn’t been told a thing. So a note on sharepoint would be lame and very, very late now. As I said you would need some who could out spin Campbell to recover this one. Can we ever believe a word coming from HQAC anymore? Makes you wonder if the sport survey wasn’t put out to divert attention.

I thought we sent a few off to them to look at and didn’t like the answer…

But what changed between then and now?
Did the MoD want it done on the cheap with potential repercussions for GROB?

My stilton and parmesan has less of a whiff than this.

Nah. That would require coordination.

Probably nothing. Either we never consulted Grob/anyone in the first place or simply didn’t want to pay out.

Comes off the RAFAC and MOD budgets, while now the MOD can claim to have recouped some cash - even though at least part is coming from the DfT so it’s still government spending.

Whether any subsequent surplus was reinvested is possibly debatable - at least to the fullest extent of what would have been spent on the Vigilant and in terms of ROI or raw value for money.

Vigilant to be scrapped.

Very fishy!

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Of course, the other option is a highly inflated quote for the required works because “it’s the MOD”.

Apparently…the money from the sale will be used to fund a Part Task Trainer in every squadron.

Ha ha…fooled you! It’s being used to pay for Dawn’s leaving do/presents!

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This is rubbish. Not only were H Quack happy to massacre the VGS and leave us short but now this! They have a lot to answer for. No faith at all in them. There are no VGS in Wales, AEF is a joke and, IMHO, PTT is a waste of time money.


Which is why they want to bump the Blue badge “ground school” & PTT onto sqns with flt sims.

The turnaround from Vigilants = cr@p, to hey, “this is great news for a charity**” is appalling.

[** it is good news for Aeromobility, but at our loss of course.]

Think there will a reply to this? :wink: