Seems a bit of a general statement with little evidence to support it…
Lots of our cadets personally own drones, have appropriate operator ID’s (or their parents do) and appropriate Flyer ID’s and are very diligent in their use.
A few also fly petrol model aircraft in their spare time with various local clubs.
Also, what state is the world getting into when we ban activities because of an action someone might take - it’s all getting a little bit minority report, but worse.
But if they are doing it outside the Air Cadets how is it our concern?
They have parents that’s their job, not ours.
We or more so HQAC etc cannot start to think they can control our lives and the lives of thecadets, Christ even employers don’t do or expect to do that.
The problem with HQAC etc is too many people, getting paid far too much, with far too little to do, looking for ways to justify why they have a well paid job and or looking for a “look what we’ve done” for their CV.
Do the assorted bodies within the MoD universe that dictate what we can’t do and how we operate think the RFAC is a statutory organisation and not just a youth club with a uniform? it’s one thing to have ‘club rules’ but they seem to go beyond this notion.
Just how much additional regulatory control do we need, outside of what already exists in our real lives.
if anyone has £9000 in the Squadron account and a friendly qualified pilot this could be an option for “Air Cadet gliding” (should ACTO 035 ever be released)
As a reader of Pilot the following article I have scanned in i thought would be of interest to the wider ACC/RAFAC community - this is a flight test review of the Vigilant aircraft that were once VGS owned and operated. The 109 Able is the refurbished version and shows the potential of what 2FTS could have done with the aircraft had they wanted to…although I accept the glass cockpits would not be necessary and in reality after a spinner to rudder shake down our Vigilants only needed a new engine to extend their life to be useful aircraft…
(Apologies to Pilot magazine for sharing to none paying readers but trust this will be ok just this once given the relevance to this demographic and taken from the “February” magazine is already two months old
I wanted to run a report on SMS to see how much flying/gliding we’d done in the past few years, but it doesn’t include cadets who have since left. Is there any way - aside from a manual trawl - that you can see those numbers?
Would be good to colour that post with some actual numbers.
Although, in fairness, even if the cadets have left it was still an opportunity the squadron had and took - so maybe it is fairer to leave those allocations in?