It was and is a requirement for gliding and came about as a direct result of an incident in a glider.
Flying in a Viking has different risks to flying in a Tutor.
Not sure what your point is about the Avmed form? It’s simply a requirement that it’s completed correctly, otherwise that cadet may not fly.
AEF staff sometimes have to spend time trying to resolve admin issues with cadet paperwork that can and does have a detrimental effect on individual cadets or squadrons visit.
It never reached us in that case - certainly when the AvMed Form1 was first released
As soon as it came out all it (announcement) stated was for AEF flying and nothing was mentioned about gliding…
I remember questioning it at the time
if something has since come out saying it applies across the board i haven’t seen it but accept your correction
that I don’t deny, but the health of that child is no more or less likely to cause an issue in a Viking than a Tutor
getting airborne is getting airborne.
Ok so 20-25 minutes of AEF versus a 10 minute winch launch circuit and land there is a reduced time exposure but if someone is unfit to fly (which is what the AvMed Form1 tries to determine) then they are unfit to fly.
The form doesn’t indicate which is more risk to the passenger (the Cadet) it determines how much risk there is for the Child to be a passenger….
2 things
Firstly please keep this civil. No party is perfect and we’re all volunteers. Please express your opinions more constructively and let’s not all jump on the offended bandwagon.
Secondly, this thread is about gliding being paused. If you want to continue talking about AEF provision please make a new one.
Like I’ve said back on topic or I’ll just delete posts that aren’t relevant.
I agree with you whole heartedly.
The point I’m trying to make is that some AEFs and VGS’ do try and make the effort to ensure cadets don’t sit around doing nothing and I agree with the low ropes issue. Admittedly it was a bit tongue in cheek but its there to use should there happen to be a member of escorting staff low ropes qualified.
Hopefully, the ranges at Woodvale will be up and running early 2019 after a refurb so, again, these should be available.
I would ask that if folk on here have an issue with their local AEF then they should grow a set and speak to the AEF OC to discuss but dont be part of the problem, be part of the solution and offer up some ideas.
My door is always open (I’m not an AEF OC btw) for CFAVs to discuss how we can improve the way we work. Some things we can change but some we can’t. Its all well and good being a keyboard warrior but if you feel so strongly about it you should have a proper grown up conversation and express your concerns.
hopefully when the runway is repaired 10 AEF and 631 AGS will be working more closely together to maximise the cadet output for both A and G wings.
Do we have a rough idea on the timeframe for that?
Unfortunately I can’t disclose anything until a formal announcement has been made by the station
Some maths on the chances of flying a glider…
…our wing has over 1500 cadets. For the next quarter, we have been allocated 8 places at Syerston, which has pretty much been a average recently. That’s 32 cadet places over a year.
If the wing want to give every cadet a glider flight, it will take…48 years and 4 months! Shame they age out at 20!
That’s probably 32 more than the year before?
Grob Viking Mk3a
It’s an all new airframe with stealth features
most years 32 cadets get to live fire a 105mm Light Gun - would you say that Artillery is a core cadet activity in the ACO?
I think we have to bear in mind that gliding is still recovering. It’s only when it’s recovered will we understand the full impact of what we’re dealing with?
Putting aside what you think about the pause and how it was dealt with, I think we can assume there’ll be fewer gliding opportunities than there were before, so I’m not sure what people’s expectations are?
At least the VGS squadrons that are operating are doing all they can to get cadets airborne in a glider. As more VGS recover, it will get better but nothing like it was before.
I think we have to bear in mind that gliding is still recovering. It’s only when it’s recovered will we understand the full impact of what we’re dealing with?
Putting aside what you think about the pause and how it was dealt with, I think we can assume there’ll be fewer gliding opportunities than there were before, so I’m not sure what people’s expectations are?
At least the VGS squadrons that are operating are doing all they can to get cadets airborne in a glider. As more VGS recover, it will get better but nothing like it was before.
it has been pretty clear for several years that if/when gliding, and the AEF’s, recover, their contribution to the average cadet experience will be between peripheral and zero.
more cadets from my Sqn have gone skiiing, or winter mountaineering, or commanded a live fire mission by 105mm LG’s than have been flying (in any guise) this year (or last year, or the year before, or the year before that).
it says something - and nothing good - that the Twitter Queen has had more flights than any cadet in the last 3 years.
we are no longer the Air Cadets - i wouldn’t suggest that we are now the Royal Air Force Artillery Cadets, or the Royal Air Force Mountain Warfare Cadets, but we are closer to be either of those than we are to being the Air Cadets…
it has been pretty clear for several years that if/when gliding, and the AEF’s, recover, their contribution to the average cadet experience will be between peripheral and zero.
That’s just not true. Total exaggeration!
Thousands of Air Cadets, Air Scouts and GVC cadets fly at AEFs every year.
I do appreciate that some squadrons may have travel issues etc, but it’s not the same for everybody.