Getting off the Train

That is how I feel in ACO at present, like I have been on an excellent train journey and now the train has stopped, I was at a sqn where cadet are great all but 1 staff are great and every week had some fun. However being transferred because of a bully who has not been dealt with has become very boring. The sqn I am at has 1 other uniform staff who wants to do everything so i feel like a useless pawn and cadets that look like there in the raf regiment, Needless to say I am at the point where the ACO has not dealt with a bully and I have been transferred to a sqn that has no prospects for me as a SNCO.

Any advice because at this rate I will have left by XMAS.

Could you transfer again?

[quote=“Spacejammed” post=21876]That is how I feel in ACO at present, like I have been on an excellent train journey and now the train has stopped, I was at a sqn where cadet are great all but 1 staff are great and every week had some fun. However being transferred because of a bully who has not been dealt with has become very boring. The sqn I am at has 1 other uniform staff who wants to do everything so i feel like a useless pawn and cadets that look like there in the raf regiment, Needless to say I am at the point where the ACO has not dealt with a bully and I have been transferred to a sqn that has no prospects for me as a SNCO.

Any advice because at this rate I will have left by XMAS.[/quote]

Have you tried asking for more responsibility? Because this organisation is so hectic, people have a habit of hoarding responsibilities, and may not realise what they’re doing until you specifically ask for something to do. Make sure you speak to your OC, or your colleague, but don’t feel obliged to stay at your new unit if it’s not working out for you.

Remember that there are always other units. Where are you based? We desperately need an SNCO :wink:

[quote=“jacques” post=21878]
We desperately need an SNCO ;)[/quote]

So do I. What part of the world are you from??

East anglia

Great you can join my sqn it only a 600 mile round trip. I am sure HTD wil cover it. :ohmy:

Someone WANTING do something a rare commodity. All I would say is if you ask to do something make sure you’re up for it. I’ve handed over the reins on a number of occasions at the request of others and taken them back as they’re not getting done. One brassed off OC and a member of staff knowing my exact opinion.

I don’t understand this sentence :?