OK I walked into that one , but doesn’t work in the context of bringing a room to attention
Would work, but lacks something military
There are over 200 comments discussing options for a range of circumstances. That’s what this thread is…
This isn’t “now”, people have been internalising their upset and torment about being misgendered or ostracised through omittance for a very long time. Now the rest of us are finally trying to catch up and giving these groups their voice and freedom to live as they feel.
“it’s not about winning”, but making the effort to be inclusive, not being deliberately and stubbornly ignorant, and then showing humility and empathy when an error is made.
Someone is on the high ground, so where’s the problem saying 'room, they, their etc. Nope no problem just people pretending to be offended over every little thing. I am all fir including everyone, but there are some who need to make an effort to include themselves. I have someone at work who doesn’t meet the standard, but plays the mental health card when things don’t go their way. As for cadets we have some exploring their gender they take part in everything, they wear the uniform of their choice and never complains if they get called he instead of she. Life is about respecting other no matter their personal circumstances but it has to be reciprocated to fully work, whilst there are victims, some play on it. Changing terms is only a small part of it, it us how we treat each other that is key.
So its very simple in this group if you don’t agree with it report it as offensive and get it removed. Mmmm there was nothing offensive about my last post just pointing out umsome are complaining about gender neutral terms e.g. fact people are now complaining about using they and their both of which are gender neutral so what is it people want?
Not only are all these suitable, but all are in current circulation. Not sure why this is even a conversation…
Yiyr list is fine no arguement from me, Its the context that’s the issue, it started when it was suggest room shun wasn’t appropriate.
You clearly didn’t read that post properly. The post said ‘room shun’ may not be appropriate in certain formal circumstances, or for addressing a room including people senior to the person calling the command.
Of course, putting that comment in its proper context would be inconvenient to someone trying to make a different point to the one actually being made, which none of your replies have even gotten near to.
Anywho, I have unhidden your comment.
On an unrelated topic, personally, I wouldn’t mind if someone went round after me and removed all of the inane stuff I have written on the internet in my time, but each to their own…
In your opinion.
I wonder will we lose the terms; Queen, King, Princess, Prince and Her Majesty Queen … /His Majesty King … wrt to the Royal Family and gender specific titles in the Nobility. Our current Air Commodore in Chief is prime case of a gender specific title, but I’ve not picked any grumblings on this.
This thread is not producing anything positive.
Yes, I think you’re right.