For Sale: Officers No 1 Jacket and Trousers - XXL

Hi All,

Selling my Officers No1 Jacket and Trousers as no longer in need of them. There were made by the Cranwell tailors following my OIC approx 7 years ago.

Currently ranked Flt Lt with RAFAC Pins, and sword belt hooks on both sides.

Worn at most 6 times during intervening period! I’m a big guy, 42” waist and 46-48” chest and I would say this fits just about well enough, would probably best suit someone of slightly smaller stature without any alterations but there is material in the jacket and trousers for expansion. I’m approx 5ft 9 in height for reference.

Not sure what the time frame is for issue out of Cranwell now, so your chance to get your hands one a set quickly!

Asking for £100 or a sensible offer. Also selling a No5 jacket and trousers on another thread, happy to take a sensible offer for both.

Can either pick up in South London or post for £5.

DM if you have any questions!


Would like to purchase please - will try and send DM when system lets me (have registered as have always just read and not posted!) thanks

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Have also tried to respond earlier. Again happy to purchase.

Thanks for the interest everyone - looks like this is sold so I’ll close this for now :slight_smile:

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