First Class Passing

How fast do cadets usually finish first class? I’ve been part of the air cadets nearly 9 months and I finished my first class around 6 months in. Is this usual, as many people at my squadron asked me how I finished it so fast when I was placed into the leadership-oriented group of cadets. Not for bragging rights or anything :joy: just for curiousity. I just assumed it was normal for cadets to get through first class this quickly, but people who joined the same time as I did are still only half way through their logbook.

Just to note, I am completely obsessed with cadets and for the past 9 months I’ve missed around 3 nights because of exams or sickness/tiredness, and they’ve all been pre-DofE sports nights.

We get our First Class done and dusted in about 6 months, depends on cadets attendance and staffing levels.

We take an academic year(September to June) but only meet once a week and only in term time. If a cadet misses a few weeks it can take them a while to get on a catch up session.

Thanks @Farmerdan and @DontCallMeSir ^u^