Filling the Training Programme

While putting together the next few month’s training programme, I find myself repeating myself each month with the planned activities. Whilst I acknowledge the importance of completing the classification syllabus, although it doesn’t feature as a priority over the summer months, due to camps and other absences.

I’m looking for suggestions of other activities that can be programmed in to break up the usual mix of training and to make the parade evenings more ‘Fun’

Here’s a few suggestions:

Drill, uniform maintenance, WO/OC’s inspection, etc.
Teamwork / leadership (try getting hold of an MTA kit, your wing may have one)
AT skills (eg. outdoor cooking, tent erection)
Sports (worth organising properly and having a competitive element)
Fitness (I know a Sqn that has someone round to run a zumba session on a monthly basis!)
Inter-Flight Challenge night (eg. debate, dragon’s den, aircraft rec, continuity drill display, etc.)
First Aid and casualty simulation
Radio (the technical skills module is quite good fun, soldering etc.)
Fieldcraft (making basic shelters and getting the camo cream out)

At this time of year we usually run a few competition day prep nights as well.

If you don’t have the staff, don’t be afraid of contacting WSO’s to see if they can find someone to run the activity or if they’ll do it themselves. It never hurts to ask.