Fieldcraft policy update - Dec 2018

Give them 240 rounds of blank and it will feel better.


I can attest that it feels A LOT better once you’ve gotten rid of said rounds…

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What give them the entire ATC’s compliment of blank rounds? :wink:

Dont get me wrong, I genuinely want us to get into using blanks and pyro’s and carrying weapons.

But I have met too many staff in the air cadets that seem to think that giving cadets weapons and blank rounds is the holy grail to making exercises interesting and fun.

In reality using blanks and pyro only enhances the experience, if the cadets are bored when doing an ex without weapons i can guarantee you they will think it is just as boring with them.


If the tweezer-wielders can make one one two an engaging concept, anyone not designing or delivering interesting FT should probably reconsider their specialism…

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I do like tweezer-wielders. I will use that one in the future.

I completely agree, but after being around long enough ive seen too many walts in every subject area in the ATC that could suck the fun out of winning a million pounds.

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P-SAS. Pace Stick Appreciation Society.

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ACFTI 1 was updated today and a full set of webbing is now allowed.

Bergen’s are to pre positioned while day sack can be used for waterproofs and rations.


So… that was a pointless exercise then!


Guess who dismantled all his Sqn webbing iaw the previous advice?

Woah! Common sense prevailed??

I like the advice to use daysacks. It’s in line with the ‘fight light’ concept. I even - quite - like the rocket pouch but the connector straps are getting hard to find!

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They are a bit. And I never found simply clipping them onto the yoke and belt at all practical.

One of my cadets once had a custom yoke for side pouches. It was simply two shoulder straps sewn to a Y shaped piece of webbing, with two straps with buckles to attach to the bottom. Dead simple to use.

I know I did… Makes my shopping list for 2020 kit a bit shorter though…

Me too. Always suggested for cadets to bring them.

I’ve got some random OG padded straps somewhere I think… so could probably put something like that together. Been looking for a use. Was considering building a basic shooting belt.

Sounds better than the video I found where the cadet had cable tied the pack to their yoke!

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Should be simple to make if you get really stuck

I’ve found a place that sells all the ITW Nexus hardware so that is a possibility. Winter Sqn project?

Ammunition pouches, max of two. Is that a pair on each side, or a single pair - counted as two?

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Would you be so kind as to share the link, please?

All through my time as a Cadet we never did any field craft with weapons, or indeed even with webbing. Granted, things like Kim’s game used to bore me, but one of the best lessons I remember was at one of the Joint Sevices Cadet activities day, run by the Army this time. They taught us fire control orders, in a long class room with foam balls from a ball pool which we spent nearly an hour throwing at each other simulating controlled forms of fire. By the end of it, we were all, Cadets and Staff laughing and joking having had a great time. That was either 1999 or 2000, and it must have stuck as I can still remember it now, unlike a lot of other FT stuff we are now supposed to know.