Festival of Remembrance

Its a sign of the times that no cadet forces were represented at the festival last saturday night unless I missed something but the Scouts were there.

The Cadet Forces were there, banners were paraded at the start.

And I noticed, when Huw mentioned the RAFVR, one was RAFAC, other was VR(UAS).

And there were a number of ATC selling the programmes at the start


At about 1:09:30 in the video: BBC Royal British Legion Festival of Remembrance, 2018 | BBC One (10.11.2018) - YouTube

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One of the Sector Commanders from Middlesex was on there, they marched in with the UAS.

Well thank goodness for that l was a bit disappointed

I would’ve been too, I was in the audience wearing my RAFVR tie :wink:

I seem to recall cadets being part of the final muster and not just programme sellers. It may have just been a couple but they were there. You would have thought with the us being “loved up” with the RAF as part of their family (this makes me nauseous) cadets would be there in the main event, if only so the selfie seeking management could take advantage.
Although I think the muster should be binned and go back to the format of one of the first I recall watching in the late 70s / early 80s where the Band of The RM were on the main floor and armed forces sitting in the seats. There seemed to be a lot more RBL standards and it wasn’t like watching X Voice Idle, and a definitely more military feel to things.

Whats the process for getting tickets and whays the best show to go to evening or afternoon?

You have to be an RBL member for the initial trawl of tickets for the afternoon and evening events and can get a maximum of 2 tickets. So if you’re not a member you’d need to find one who wants to go.
This year they did it differently for the first time you could select your seats and pay accordingly online. You had to give a lot more personal info and tickets wouldn’t be sent out until the details were checked.
Tickets and details were linked to seats and photo ID was needed to get in according to the doc the sec sent us.
Apparently the lines opened on 23rd July and the evening seats all went within a couple of weeks.
The spare seats go on sale to the general public in October, with I’d assume the same info requirements.

We were sent a doc by the sec in early June.

Mine were via Tickets for Troops and went with a regular who got them.

Afternoon is fairly relaxed in terms of dress code, evening is Black tie and in presence of HMQ.
Apart from the presence of royalty, I don’t think any of them is better than the other.
Afternoon starts at 1430, evening at 1930. To be seated an hour before for both.

I think the higher profile for scouts was because they were around and played a role in WW1, whereas cadet forces had not been established then.

Cadets were there! All their standards were present and paraded. I was working there and saw all of them.
This was a day for the main services and the emphasis on them was correct.
The RBL has a great deal of influence over what is in the show, the services, not so much.
As much as I criticise the RAF for only wanting us when they cannot either attend or be bothered, I don’t think they can be blamed for a small cadet presence in this case.
Scouts have just as much involvement with the RBL as the cadet services, especially around Poppy Collections. Why can’t they be there too?

As every year, the Cadet Forces are represented by carrying the CF Banners into the hall, as well as collecting around the RAH as well.

Done both through Tickets for Troops. Actual enjoy afternoon best, gives us time to get home and watch evening on TV.

Saw a couple of CFMs on parade at the front front of house; Army Parade being one.

Back to the history books!

Over 200 former members of our cadet force (which was in those days a Public School OTC) died in WW1.

apologies for my mistyping. I was referring to Air Cadets (we are on Air Cadet Central) established around 76 years ago.