F1 Chat

Well Latifi is out for 2023

Wonder who will replace him. I’m expecting Nyck de Vries following his performance last time out

I’d say so, unless the likes of Alpine get to him first.

Yeah, if that happens they might bring Logan Sergeant up


Christian Horner on Financial Regulations.

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I’ve noted he hasn’t actually said that they were within the cap.

It did amuse me in Quali that Max had to abort his last lap running out of fuel.

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It’s one of those of they are in breach the list of punishments is so diverse as to be hilarious and it’s really gonna depend on how much they are over.

If it’s a huge amount I would just throw them out of this years competition.

Yeah, them and Aston Martin are the two who supposedly have. I would have expected if they hadn’t he would have said so.

I think at worst they will get a fine for something like that. I can’t see them docking points from last years results.
The FIA do need to set some expectations on the penalty for breaking the cost cap, if it’s just a small fine teams will just break it up to a point as they can afford it.

If it’s a major breach it needs to be a serious penalty, otherwise what’s the point?

I don’t see any point in going after last years results. Either DQ from this year or a major penalty to affect next year (such as knocking whatever the overspend was last year off of next years budget).

I agree but the rumours are that it’s less than 5% so would only be a minor breach.

Again agree, but if that’s the only penalty they choose to apply it’s against last season.
I think a reduction in this years cost cap allowance would make sense.

But then I also kinda think things like fines should be included, I know in the grand scheme they are not a lot it might make teams more conscious about getting them.

Spa flashbacks are dwindling as the rain has stopped thankfully

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Indeed, start delayed though. Hoping they don’t waste too much time getting the race going

Fingers crossed George can make some progress with his new engine

Starting in the deluge would have been bad, but the delay feels a little extensive now, but we have delayed tehb3 hour clock.

So I’ve just got on the train home and looked at the current leaderboard. What the hell is going on in this race for it to look like it does?! :sweat_smile:

Lol, I’d try to explain but would probably have to start again once I’ve finished with the rate of change.

The race highlights should be interesting.

A few punctures, engine failures, wheel spins and people going off. Defo been an interesting race so far

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I look forward to that once I get home! Got two and a half hours of bad trains and rail replacements between now and then :dizzy_face:

That doesn’t sound fun,

They’ve only just enabled DRS with 26 min left to go

I assume it’s been quite wet then? :rofl: I see a fair few cars are still on inters!

Start was delayed by an hour,
All been on slicks for a little while now

Just seen this on Twitter:


Just realised those I referred to as still on inters are all out… Wow, that’s a lot out. I’m really looking forward to these highlights :grin:

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