If there is a compulsory cadet sport and I appear on the day - what excuse could I make that is believable that I injured myself the day before? Thank you
What injury is believable because I don’t want to do it?
It’s handball by the way and involves running
Just don’t go, there should be no reason to make excuses.
I would also question why not to do it. A lot of sport is about taking part and being part of the team, usually the actual outcome has little to do with the performance of an individual so worry less about it.
I know - but in future I want to know a good excuse because it will help generally especially if I get bullied for it
Dont lie… just general good life advice
The are no compulsory sports events in RAFAC*. You simply tell the organiser that you don’t want to take part/are unable to take part due to other commitments. The key thing is not to lie about it.
*Your squadron may take participation in sporting events into account when scoring people for promotion/picking places on courses but it’s not mandatory to attend.
I don’t wish to but I get bullied since I play bad
Speak to the staff. Theres zero space for bullying in this organisation. Infact we take a zero tolerance approach and it should be dealt with by your staff
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