Duty NCO

Hi All,

I am currently looking at the NCO team and what we ask them to do.

We have a Duty NCO which i think is fairly standard practice but our Duty Checklist is quite lengthy and quickly becomes a box ticking exercise and we all know if there is one thing the organisation does not need more of its Tick Boxes!!! :lol:

Does anyone have any examples of the Duty NCO file, check list, task list whatever you call it at your sqn that i can look over and see if i can streamline ours.

What are the main things you all get your Duty NCOs to do on any given parade night?

Any suggestions would be great

Many thanks


Here’s ours (nothing fancy)

It’s laminated and attached to a clipboard, so it can be re-used every night. It’s usually left in the office that the NCOs have access to, and they initial each row when it’s been done.

My Duty NCO is responsible for updating the Daily Occurrence Log (staff will add our own entries as we see fit), organising the format of the evening i.e. assigning people to relevant lessons etc, ensuring that the right equipment is in place…
They run through final closure checks with a staff member (ensuring windows are closed, heaters off etc).

During the night they may be utilised for office admin tasks as needed.

[quote=“jacques” post=16916]Here’s ours (nothing fancy)

It’s laminated and attached to a clipboard, so it can be re-used every night. It’s usually left in the office that the NCOs have access to, and they initial each row when it’s been done.


that is pretty much what we have.

the JNCO will take the register and first parade while the SNCO will open the building and then check with the instructing Staff that evening what is needed to prep the classrooms.

JNCO checks fire board at breaktime

Final tasks assigned as required
SNCO takes final parade then both Duty NCOs lock up and “secure the building” (anything that should be locked away is, door, windows shut, devises etc switched off etc etc)

Bearing in mind of course that if we’re doing it all by the book, staff are meant to check the building when it opened. An exterior check first; then open up; then an interior check; and only then allow cadets to enter.
Likewise before close staff are meant to check the exterior of the building before allowing the cadets to leave and then ensure that they conduct an interior check before locking up.

I conduct the opening checks because I’m the only one there when I open up at about 1720.
Our duty NCO accompanies a member of staff for final checks as a second pair of eyes.


we have Staff open up and Staff escort the Duty NCO for lock up

I say “that’s what mine do” but I mean “that’s what mine are supposed to do”.

Lately the trend seems to be for the NCO to do the checks on their own without coming to get me, then sign out and go home.
Then I go around for the checks and discover that the classrooms haven’t been put back correctly; there’s junk in front of the heater; and toilet hasn’t been flushed… or something like that. :unsure:

sounds pretty similar but i think we spoon feed ours a little with such a long list!!!

the staff open up and close down at our place we normally end up sitting around discussing things for a good half an hour after the cadets have gone anyway!

i think a more general list that is laminated might be a better way forward.

Cheers for the responses everyone!

RH :slight_smile: