Can anyone tell me where the inspection comes in the drill sequence?
At the start and
Right at the start. At our WFTD on Sunday the inspection was done before the drill sequence began.
Exactly where it comes in the day’s sequence will vary by event but every drill competition I have seen has had the inspection take place prior to the drill sequence.
At the Corps championships, a squad marches on, is inspected then continues with the drill sequence before marching off.
I have seen field days where all teams form up and are inspected, after which they march off then back on individually to do the sequence.
At my WFD, teams are inspected while the previous team is doing the sequence, then march on to do theirs once the previous team has finished. It is quicker overall.
The inspection of Banner Parties in Banner competitions is written as the first part of the sequence but I’ve seen some instances of that being taken out and done at the same time as a unit’s drill team - many participants will be in both drill squad and banner party and there has been concern that uniform can get messed up during one competition and count against scores in the second. Every little counts