DPM rucksack?

[quote=“wdimagineer2b” post=10558]If we’re preparing for the inevitable “you’re not allowed MTP” argument here’s all you need to know.

The order forbids the wearing of MTP or Multicam clothing and ancillaries.
Some over-zealous and ill-informed type may think this means daysacks, webbing, &c.
It doesn’t. “Ancillary Items” are t-shirt, thermal undershirt, thermal smock (and they don’t come in MTP anyway, they’re plain colour).[/quote]

Close, but the AP doesn’t even say ancillaries. Any ‘orders’ which go further would be superceded by the AP.

You could also go one stage further. If some really, really over-zealous person really goes to town on the regs, and use the backpacks paragraph, you could even argue that we’re not even allowed to wear DPM rucksacks. (Which they will have.)

Ah yes, to be fair I had forgotten the recent update to 1358C and was thinking about the previous Routine Order.

There you are. A good example actually, since clearly others will probably forget the same way I did when making their gripe. Now you can hit them with that retort too :slight_smile:

I’ve several of my cadets now using multicam rucksacks. Nothing said yet. I’ve told them it’s ok and if anyone has a problem to refer them to me and I’ll have that conversation with them behind closed doors.
It’s worth remembering the majority of cadets are not experts on these things, they will do what their staff tell them to do, but he cadet will get it in the neck if it’s wrong, not the staff.

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I use much the same line during my dress regs lesson on every NCO course I instruct on. :wink: (If I have to explain the word “optional” again I might get it made up as a branding iron and then people won’t forget. :stuck_out_tongue: )

the two i’d recommend are the KarrimorSF Sabre, and the Berghaus Munro.

both are well made, robust sacs at the 30/35l mark, i’ve used both as military daysacs and for climbing/walking etc… for many years. both will take a 500ml flask, 2l water, 18hrs food, Softie, waterproofs, socks, mapcase, GPS, hat, gloves and a party bucket of Haribo.

do not get a DPM sac - firstly because it will look bone when you use it in civvies, and secondly because when you change over to MTP clothing, a DPM sac will look bone. get a green/tan one, either goes well with DPM, MTP and civvies. you’ll also be able to sell it on fleabay in 4 years… if you really want to DPM/MTP it, get a rucksac cover - some have DPM/MTP on one side and orange/green for AT on the other.

dont bother getting something very fancy with Molle etc… you won’t use it, its expensive, and you’ll look walty.

i just wouldn’t bother with webtex etc… they are tat, and you’ll just end up buying something better. buy cheap, buy twice.

it is however the law that any daysac be fitted with a medium-sized karribiner, a glowy night-light thing, and a length of notted climbing cord attached to the zip puller.

I’d second the Munro, but I wouldn’t entirely discount MOLLE - Berghaus do a new sack called the Centurio which seems to basically be a Munro with MOLLE on the front, side pouch zips on the side and a better back system; I haven’t tried one as I’m happy with my Munro but I’d certainly look into it if I was planning on buying something of that type.

[quote=“Batfink” post=10126]Hi, and welcome to ACC! :slight_smile:

They will last and are pretty much bombproof [/quote]

I can most certainly state they are NOT!! :wink:

I use an issue bergan and have a Webtex patrol pack and kombat UK “assault” pack and all have lasted me 6 years of constant use. All Dom however cos I want o fit in with the cool kids I have an mtp ninmolle patrol pack coming