Dogs on Squadron

I don’t see a problem with that.

There are extremists who won’t let their children attend because females are present, people with their arms uncovered, because of association with the hated British state, monarchy, Armed Forces, etc. It wouldn’t be possible to cater for them all, even if we wanted to.

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One happy dog after lots of attention from cadets. :wink:

Snoozed under my desk for most of the evening.


Sounds exactly what I’d want in the TORs for my next role!


Going for a Wing Commander post then?

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I used to take my big black german shepherd to squadron activities (not parade nights) - admittedly, I was the OC, but he was loved by the cadets and treated as the squadron mascot. We never had a problem.


Depends on who owns the building. In our RFCA orders it is clear statement that no animals are to be brought onto the premises under any circumstances unless permission granted from RFCA regarding service/assistance animals etc.

At D&C Camp an assistance dog was banned by HQ even though other units had some on Pirbright.

I thought that was straight up illegal…


It is

Not exactly, the law only applies to Public Places not Private ones which a military camp would be.

There are also lots of different types of dogs and while people tend to call them all assistance dogs that’s not exactly true (a therapy dog isn’t entitled to the same sort of access as a guide dog or other task trained dog for example).

Just saw this on the news.

Assuming Dogs should be allowed on Sqn:

  • Should they have a uniform?

  • What should that uniform be?

  • should this be specified in a separate section of ACP1359 or should it be included in the CIs part?

as i posted above


Very cute, but I can’t see that working on a Labrador (for example). I think uniforms for mascots and regimental pets have always been fairly flexible, due to the different shapes and sizes of the animals involved.

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rather than have the elastic from the brassard a new strap with quick release (rucksac style) clip can be used. Yes it wouldn’t reach the waist but is a quick option/solution

I did find this online for the collar maybe

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I used to have one for one of our rescue dogs, before we realised the benefits of a magnetic collar for his joints. You can get a matching lead as well.

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Whilst bored at work stumbled across this

It’s RFC but with the number of old unserviceable No1s out there if someone wanted to put one together I’m sure they would be quite popular.

I do like @steve679 brassard idea but it might be a bit small for the springer. Something similar using Wkg Blue shirts maybe?


Uniform - compulsory !

uniform type - Fitted Fur Coat

ACP1359 - you must be barking mad !

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: